
Declarative To Procedural Tutors: A Family Of Cognitive Architecture-Based Tutors


We have created a tutoring architecture, D2P (Declarative to Procedural), based on ACT-R 's theory of knowledge and learning for declarative and procedural memory. D2P also draws on general theories of learning and a recent review by Kim, Ritter, and Koubek (in press). D2P provides multimedia instruction pages followed by questions, video, and/or simulations to test and proceduralise the declarative knowledge. It is implemented in XML, XML-based tools, Java, and COTS tools. We have created two D2P tutors. We have evaluated one, and it has a 1.48 effect size on learning how much to lead. We have found that modern tools help create a tutoring system; creating a tutoring architecture requires more than just the system (such as manuals and example systems); and the next steps are to test the theory of learning and use a cognitive architecture-based knowledge model to make the system adaptive.

Publication Date


Publication Title

22nd Annual Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, BRiMS 2013 - Co-located with the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

84887462242 (Scopus)

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