
Modeling An Aging Workforce And Its Impact On Engineering Project Selection, Execution And Completion


Aging workforce; Project selection; Resource allocation; Workforce planning


As the baby boomer generation begins to retire in substantial numbers during the first part of this century, there are not enough younger workers to replace them. As the need for strategic workforce planning has arrived, decisionmakers need to have proper information, evidence and tools in order to undertake the decision-making tasks on their workforce. This research looks at strategic workforce planning issues related to the projected loss of knowledge most companies are beginning to experience. It starts with a look at the issues relating to the aging labor market, the aging workforce, retirement approaches, the different perceptions about the older worker and the global approach to the issue. Then, the motivation behind the idea of getting the most out of the sector of the population who is aging and considering retirement. It proposes a methodology that allows managers to make the best use of their workforce intelligence. Information is used to model the interactions and characteristics of resources to help predict the best balance of workers for a given project. It is the intent of this methodology to design a mechanism that matches existing human capital and their characteristics to the requirements outlined by ongoing long-term projects and proposed future programs and projects at a given enterprise.

Publication Date


Publication Title

IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2013

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

84900332378 (Scopus)

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