Nutrient And Plant Secondary Compound Composition And Iron-Binding Capacity In Leaves And Green Stems Of Commonly Used Plant Browse (Carolina Willow; Salix Caroliniana) Fed To Zoo-Managed Browsing Herbivores
Browse; Condensed tannins; Herbivore; Iron; Iron overload
Plant secondary compounds are diverse structurally, and associated biological effects can vary depending on multiple factors including chemical structure and reaction conditions. Phenolic compounds such as tannins can chelate dietary iron, and supplementation of animal species sensitive to iron overload with tannins may prevent/treat iron overload disorder. We assessed the nutrient and phenolic composition and iron-binding capacity of Carolina willow (Salix caroliniana), a plant fed to zoo-managed browsing herbivores. Based on studies in other plant species and the chemical structures of phenolic compounds, we hypothesized that the concentration of condensed tannins in willow would be inversely related to the concentration of phenolic glycosides and directly related to iron-binding capacity. Our results indicated that willow nutrient composition varied by year, season, and plant part, which could be taken into consideration when formulating animal diets. We also found that the predominant plant secondary compounds were condensed tannins with minimal phenolic glycosides. Instead of binding to iron, the willow leaf extracts reduced iron from the ferric to ferrous form, which may have prooxidative effects and increase the bioavailability of iron depending on animal species, gastrointestinal conditions, and whole animal processes. We recommend identifying alternative compounds that effectively chelate iron in vitro and conducting chelation therapy trials in vivo to assess potential effects on iron balance and overall animal health.
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Zoo Biology
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84954377859 (Scopus)
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Lavin, S. R.; Sullivan, K. E.; Wooley, S. C.; Robinson, R.; and Singh, S., "Nutrient And Plant Secondary Compound Composition And Iron-Binding Capacity In Leaves And Green Stems Of Commonly Used Plant Browse (Carolina Willow; Salix Caroliniana) Fed To Zoo-Managed Browsing Herbivores" (2015). Scopus Export 2015-2019. 1021.