Resistance Exercise Increases Intramuscular Nf-Κb Signaling In Untrained Males


Immune function; Muscle damage; Recovery; Ribosome biogenesis


Purpose: The NF-κB signaling pathway regulates multiple cellular processes following exercise stress. This study aims to examine the effects of an acute lower-body resistance exercise protocol and subsequent recovery on intramuscular NF-κB signaling. Methods: Twenty-eight untrained males were assigned to either a control (CON; n = 11) or exercise group (EX; n = 17) and completed a lower-body resistance exercise protocol consisting of the back squat, leg press, and leg extension exercises. Skeletal muscle microbiopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis pre-exercise (PRE), 1-hour (1H), 5-hours (5H), and 48-hours (48H) post-resistance exercise. Multiplex signaling assay kits (EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA) were used to quantify the total protein (TNFR1, c-Myc) or phosphorylation status of proteins belonging to the NF-κB signaling pathway (IKKa/b, IkBα, NF-κB) using multiplex protein assay. Repeated measures ANOVA analysis was used to determine the effects of the exercise bout on intramuscular signaling at each time point. Additionally, change scores were analyzed by magnitude based inferences to determine a mechanistic interpretation. Results: Repeated measures ANOVA indicated a trend for a two-way interaction between the EX and CON Group (p = 0.064) for c-Myc post resistance exercise. Magnitude based inference analysis suggest a “Very Likely” increase in total c-Myc from PRE-5H and a “Likely” increase in IkBα phosphorylation from PRE-5H post-resistance exercise. Conclusion: Results indicated that c-Myc transcription factor is elevated following acute intense resistance exercise in untrained males. Future studies should examine the role that post-resistance exercise NF-κβ signaling plays in c-Myc induction, ribosome biogenesis and skeletal muscle regeneration.

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European Journal of Applied Physiology





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84984788436 (Scopus)

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