Maximum Information Coverage In Named Data Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems


Information Coverage; Multimodal Data; NDN; VCPS


During the past two decades, we have witnessed a tremendous development in Vehicular networks, while exploring emerging communication technologies such as vehicular cyber-physical systems (VCPS). Basically, VCPS requires multimodal data from the physical system to take appropriate decision and actions, for example, the congestion warnings, applying brakes, adjusting speed limits, etc. However, there are multiple systems interconnected in the VCPS with different communication capabilities and data communication between those systems that lead us to a challenging task. In this paper, we consider named data networking (NDN) as a promising solution to enhance the reachability of Data among multi-hop VCPS. NDN offers a simple pull-based content communication in the network with multiple interfaces and also supports heterogeneity in terms of communications technologies. The proposed NDN forwarding scheme enables vehicles to send one Interest (request) to collect multiple instances of the Data from different content sources in the network. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can collect information from many nodes that are at longer distance from the information requesting nodes.

Publication Date


Publication Title

IEEE International Conference on Communications



Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

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Socpus ID

85051422986 (Scopus)

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