Sustained Communities for Sustained Learning: Connecting Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy to WAC Learning Outcomes


Writing Across the Curriculum, culturally sustaining pedagogies, learning outcomes, writing in the disciplines, writing and identity


Central to WAC theory are the premises that writing is vital to the learning process across the curriculum and that learners bring diverse linguistic, literacy, and educational experiences to all courses. This chapter argues for applying culturally sustaining pedagogies to reinforce these premises as they relate to raciolinguistically marginalized communities, by applying a culturally pluralistic approach to teaching and learning writing in the disciplines. The chapter gives an overview of culturally sustaining education, discusses in what ways WAC theories have moved toward culturally sustaining practices, examines what major gaps exist between WAC and culturally sustaining practices, and describes how those gaps can be addressed through learning outcomes for WAC at the institutional or programmatic levels. The chapter concludes by examining possible culturally sustaining WAC outcomes and their advantages.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Kareem, Jamila M. "Sustained Communities for Sustained Learning: Connecting Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy to WAC Learning Outcomes." Diverse Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and Writing Across the Curriculum: IWAC at 25, edited by Lesley Erin Bartlett et al. WAC Clearinghouse, 2020.

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Version

Publisher's version


College of Arts and Humanities


Orlando (Main) Campus


Writing and Rhetoric
