Eco-guilt in Tourism: Do Tourists Intend to Behave Environmentally Friendly and Still Revisit?


(Eco)guilt; Environmentally-friendly tourism behaviors; Revisiting intentions; Environmental concerns; Environmental knowledge; SEM


Although the role of (eco)guilt is relatively well-established in the literature on environmentally-friendly behaviors, little empirical research has been dedicated to this topic in tourism. Nevertheless, this topic has been gaining special interest in a spate of recent publications on tourists' (eco)guilt worldwide. A natural question arises: What is the influence of (eco)guilt in the context of environmentally-friendly tourism behavior (EFTB) and how does it effect tourists' revisiting intention? To answer this question, data were collected via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) through a convenience sampling method. The hypothesized relationships were analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of this study provide empirical evidence that (eco)guilt's effect on EFTB is significant and positive. Altogether, environmental concerns, environmental knowledge, and (eco)guilt explain more than three-quarters of EFTB variance. Regarding the persistent assumption of (eco)guilt's negative impact on revisiting intention, the results show that this direct relationship is insignificant. Instead, the indirect effect of (eco)guilt reveals itself to be positive and significant through EFTB. Implications of this study in tourism literature are outlined, along with its insights for tourism managers and marketers.

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Original Citation

Bahja, F. & Hancer, M. (2021). Eco-guilt in tourism: Do tourists intend to behave environmentally friendly and still revisit? Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 20, 100602.

Document Type




Source Title

Journal of Destination Marketing & Management




Rosen College of Hospitality Management


Rosen College of Hospitality Management

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