Oral History interview of Roger M. Quick. Interview conducted by Williams, Rachel; Staton Jennifer at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL.
0:01 Introduction; 0:35 Childhood; 0:49 Parent's Occupation; 1:00 Other Family Members in the Military; 1:19 Reason for Joining the Air Force; 1:55 College Education before Joining; 2:00 Length of Time in the Service; 2:10 Basic Training; 2:32 Job and Duties during Basic Training; 3:13 Training for Air Operations Specialist; 3:31 Attending Officer Candidate School/Climbing Rank; 4:13 Thoughts on Officer Candidate School; 4:37 Further Training at Keesler Air Force Base; 4:58 Assignment to Communication Control; 5:28 Types of Communications Devices Used; 5:36 Going to Vietnam; 5:55 Job and Duties as Unit Commander; 6:20 First Impression of Vietnam; 6:43 Detachment in Qui Nhon Harbor; 7:14 Visiting Sites and Boosting Morale for Troops; 7:49 Ways to Relax during Downtime; 8:31 Rocket Attack during Tennis; 10:00 Incoming Fire from Enemy while in Helicopter; 10:47 Taping Messages for Family; 11:41 Wife and Other's feelings on Vietnam; 12:15 Wife Hearing of Phu Ket Being Overrun; 13:00 Helping a Vietnamese Orphanage and Leper Colony; 15:00 Building a House for Leper Colony; 15:30 More on Leper Colony; 16:20 More on Leper Colony; 17:00 Mosaic of 1983rd Communications Squadron; 17:15 Feelings on Last Day in Vietnam; 17:45 Contact with Agent Orange/Impact of Agent Orange; 18:50 Post-Traumatic Stress after Leaving Vietnam; 20:21 Awards and Medals; 21:40 Current Activities and Family; 23:11 Retirement from Military; 24:00 Conclusion.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Polk County (Minn.)
White - Non Hispanic
Home State
War or Conflict
Vietnam Era
Begin/End date of Service - 1st
Video; MovingImage
Entrance into Service
Branch of Service
U.S. Air Force
Unit of Service
Several: USAF Communication Service
Location of Service
Highest Rank
Major; Maj
Prisoner of War
Service Related Injury
Bronze Star Medal; Air Force Commendation Medal; Meritorious Service Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Air Force Longevity Service Award; Air Force Outstanding Unit Award; Vietnam Service Medal
Was named Commander; Was named Base Communications Officer; Was named Air Traffic Control Officer; While in Vietnam, his unit sponsored an orphanage and built a home for a leper colony.
Meritorious Service Medal awarded with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster; Meritorious Service Medal awarded with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster; National Defense Service Medal awarded with 1 Bronze Service Star; Air Force Longevity Service Award awarded with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster; Air Force Outstanding Unit Award awarded with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters; Diagnosed with Agent Orange related cancer.
City of Birth
Polk County
Country of Birth
United States
Williams, Rachel; Staton Jennifer
Interview Date
Location of Interview
University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL.
Quick, Roger M.; Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Personal Narratives; United States. Air Force
Collection Description
Contains logs, audio and video recordings of interviews with Central Florida's veterans as part of a history class project for the students at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The UCF Community Veterans History Project(CVHP) started in fall 2010. It collects, preserves, and makes accessible to the public the experiences of Central Florida's veterans so that future generations will better understand the realities of conflict. It is a collaborative endeavor supported by multiple departments and offices at UCF. The veterans' histories are archived and made digitally available through the UCF library and selected materials are contributed to the Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress.
Contributor Affiliation / Organization
RICHES; University of Central Florida
Williams, Rachel; Staton Jennifer
Length of Interview
24 Minutes
Department of History, University of Central Florida
All rights are held by the respective holding institution. This material is posted publicly for non-profit educational uses, excluding printed publication. For permission to reproduce and/or for copyright information contact Special Collections and University Archives, University of Central Florida Libraries, (407) 823-2576.
University of Central Florida Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives
Contributing Project
UCF Community Veterans History Project
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Central Florida, RICHES of, "Quick, Roger M. interview" (2014). Veterans Oral Histories. 300.