Oral history interview of Joe Lamberty. Interview conducted by Brandon Nightingale at Valencia College Osceola Campus, Florida on February 26, 2019.
0:43 Birth and Childhood; 1:08 Parents Occupation; 1:24 Education; 2:47 Family/Friends in Service; 3:44 Why He Enlisted; 6:48 Basic Training; 9:53 Advanced Training; 10:41 Radio Operator School; 12:37 Fort Bragg; 16:20 Communication with Family; 17:56 Typical Day; 21:42 Interaction with Locals; 23:32 Transitioning Units; 25:52 Panama; 30:53 Reenlistment; 33:01 Back to Fort Bragg; 35:42 Jump School; 37:18 Injury; 41:30 Recruiting Duty; 46:31 Special Forces Recruiter; 53:00 Retiring; 54:00 Memorable Experiences; 57:52 Veteran Groups; 58:22 Awards and Medals; 59:30 Returning to Civilian Life; 1:02:33 Lockheed Martin; 1:05:24 Transitioning Jobs to Valencia; 1:06:44 Keeping in Contact; 1:07:13 Applying Military Skills to Civilian Life; 1:10:18 Closing Comments.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
San Juan (P.R.)
White - Hispanic
Home State
War or Conflict
Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan
Begin/End date of Service - 1st
Video; MovingImage
Entrance into Service
Branch of Service
U.S. Army
Unit of Service
Headquarters 37th Engineer Battalion (Airborne), Fort Bragg, NC; C Company, 51st Signal Battalion (Airborne), Fort Bragg, NC; 426 Signal Battalion, Fort Clayton, Republic of Panama; United States Army Southern Command, Republic of Panama; Headquarters 82nd Airborne Signal Battalion, Fort Bragg, NC; C Company 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC; United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC), Orlando Company; Special Forces Recruiting Team, Special Operations Recruiting Battalion, Fort Bragg, NC
Location of Service
Fort Bragg (N. C.); Fort Clayton (Canal Zone); Orlando (Fla.
Highest Rank
Sergeant First Class; SFC; E7
Prisoner of War
Service Related Injury
Meritorious Service Medal; Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Superior Unit Award; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Humanitarian Service Medal; Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Service Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; NATO Medal; USA Recruiter Badge; Gold Recruiter Badge with 3 Star Sapphires; Master Parachutist Badge; Senior Parachutist Badge; Parachutist Badge; Air Assault Badge
Jump Master; Station Commander, Special Forces Recruiting Team, Afghanistan
More medal details: Meritorious Service Medal (3rd Award); Army Commendation Medal (3rd Award); Army Achievement Medal (7th Award); Army Good Conduct Medal (7th Award); Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Service Ribbon (3rd Award).
City of Birth
San Juan
Country of Birth
Puerto Rico
Nightingale, Brandon
Interview Date
Spring 2-26-2019
Location of Interview
Valencia College-Osceola, Kissimmee, Florida
Lamberty, Joe Antonio; Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan; United States. Army
Collection Description
Contains logs, audio and video recordings of interviews with Central Florida's veterans as part of a history class project for the students at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The UCF Community Veterans History Project(CVHP) started in fall 2010. It collects, preserves, and makes accessible to the public the experiences of Central Florida's veterans so that future generations will better understand the realities of conflict. It is a collaborative endeavor supported by multiple departments and offices at UCF. The veterans' histories are archived and made digitally available through the UCF library and selected materials are contributed to the Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress.
Contributor Affiliation / Organization
RICHES University of Central Florida
Nightingale, Brandon
Length of Interview
73 Minutes
Department of History, University of Central Florida
All rights are held by the respective holding institution. This material is posted publicly for non-profit educational uses, excluding printed publication. For permission to reproduce and/or for copyright information contact Special Collections and University Archives, University of Central Florida Libraries, (407) 823-2576.
University of Central Florida Libraries, Special Collections & University Archives
Contributing Project
UCF Community Veterans History Project
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Central Florida, RICHES of, "Lamberty, Joe Antonio interview" (2019). Veterans Oral Histories. 637.