Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
voids in space, NASA, Moon
Brendan Byrne
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
A thousand bonus Trekkie points for getting the reference of the title of this episode, and another 1000 points for connecting it to our main science topic (spoiler alert): voids in space. Space is very empty, and some parts are emptier than others. Giant voids are helping us narrow down the rate of expansion of the universe. NPR's Brendan Byrne, space reporter for WMFE 90.7, joins us to give a peak behind the scenes of NASA's plans to send people to the Moon, plus some physics-y space trivia and much more.
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Artemis: Greetings from Mt. Olympus, my children. My twin brother Apollo was just bragging to me about how he has declared himself to be the god of podcasts on the last epidsode of Walkabout the Galaxy. Typical Apollo, he spreads himself too thin. As god of the wilderness, and patron and protector of young girls, who seem to need it more than ever these days, and as namesake for Main Belt Astroid 105, a lovely crater in MARI EMBRIUM, a volcanic crown on Venus, and the next mission of humans to the Moon, I, Artemis, declare that I will also henseforth be known as god of Walkabout the Galaxy. Artemis, grace, space, pace.
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
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Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "Where Silence Has Lease" (2019). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 1.