Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
Lucy; TESS; Dark Energy Mess
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
The astroquarks explore our origins with from the ancient fossil Lucy to the upcoming asteroid mission of the same name. They then head for the stars, including a nearby one with a potentially habitable planet, and re-examine the case for dark energy. You're not going to want to miss this one, for the science, the trivia, and a special sponsor message.
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The Hamiltonian
Sir Isaac Newton saw the apple drop, saw the Moon go round, took his pencil to his paper, said look what I have found. I call it calculus, it's for the best of us, and also for the rest of us. A universal law that's never been seen before describes the motion of every object be it near or far. I call it gravity, it's the essence of brevity. F = gmm, over the square of R. But with just that you will not very far. You need my second law, it is without a flaw. It shows you how to make thing move and all. But in 1833 a man trying to see if this was the best theory. He saw that Newton's laws were too special after all. This man was after something more general, and his name was William Rowan Hamilton. Yes, he was William Rowan Hamilton, and he said I have a better way. Just you wait, just you wait, take some conical coordinates, not those Cartesian ordinary-nets, then all the evolution you care to see comes from the evolution of Q and P. And they are related so elegantly by my new equations, where the Hamiltonian better than the Lagrangian. Leave behind Newtonian. Yes, I am William Rowan Hamilton and Hamiltonian will transform your life. It's simplatic structure cuts like a knife through complex dynamics and even quantum mechanics. So get your walkabout going, you just need your Hamilton, William Rowan. The Hamiltonian, coming soon to Broadway.
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
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Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "Lucy, TESS, and the Dark Energy Mess" (2020). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 106.