Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
Paralax; Pluto; Axions; Jupiter's fuzzy core
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
The 200th episode of Walkabout the Galaxy goes from odd Earthly atmospheric "elves" to mysterious new fundamental particles called axions, with a stop by Jupiter's fuzzy core on the way. To capture the essential Astroquarkiness of Walkabout, a special poetic sponsor leads things off, and an astrophysical trivia for Top quark sets us up for the next hundred episodes.
Episode Sponsor
Lewis Carroll
"Twas darketh and the spriling snipes
Did gyre and nutate in the wave
So frothy were the tiger stripes
And noctilucent clouds agave.
Beware the Astroquarks, my son!
The slithy whimsy, the lunks who stump,
Beware the tricksy-trivvy one,
And keep your eyes on data dump."
He took his iPhone in his hand
YouTubing he sought the Astro-foes
And went Safari to understand.
The podcast window would not close.
His snorphing, gargling, interrupted
The astroquarks, with talks of space,
Jabberred on, his morn corrupted.
Oh matter, dark, without a trace!
With gravvy-waves and paradox
They splither, splather, round the hole
Three babbling mouths, not Jabberwocks,
The astroquarks did find their goal.
One hundred! Two hundred! The episodes came!
Charged dust, neutrinos, tau and mu,
Pulsar gliphing, magnetic flame
He grappled with what he thought he knew.
"And have you joined the Astroquarks?!
Those fiendish, chortling, devilish snorks?
Oh fabulistic podcast day!
For this I don’t even have to pay!"
'Twas darketh, and the bursting waves
Of radio, space-time, and burbling stars
With glee each episode he saves
And dreams of setting foot on Mars.
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
Date Created
Item Type
Length of Episode
Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "The 200th One" (2020). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 124.