Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
White drawfs; sunlike stars; Mars Insight rover; Phobos
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
The astroquarks delve into the interiors of White Dwarfs, the relics of sunlike stars, with the help of Einstein's theory of general relativity. And the Mars Insight lander collected some intriguing data that may help pin down the details of the death spiral of its moon Phobos. Don't worry, we've got a hundred million years, give or take. Also catch up on new nerd news and biological trivia as well as launches and crashing satellites.
Episode Sponsor
The Planck Length
Does the vastness of space make you feel small and insignificant? Does the realization that your life will span only five billionths of the age of the universe get you down? If you're feeling like an insignificant speck, the Planck Length is here to give you a boost. As the smallest length there is, you are a towering, impressive, massive, and hugely significant 10 to the power of 35 times larger than the Planck Length. So if the universe makes you feel small, just turn your scope around and look down at the Planck Length. 'Cause compared to the Planck Length, you're a million times bigger than the entire universe is compared to you. The Planck Length, is it you? (Gatorade)
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
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Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "Pressures Great and Small" (2020). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 132.