Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
Milky Way; gravitational microlensing; exoplanet; Moon
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
Almost all exoplanets have been discovered in our local neighborhood of the Milky Way, with a few exceptions due to gravitational microlensing, still within our galaxy. Astronomers have likely identified the first exoplanet in a distant galaxy by it eclipsing an X-ray source. We also check in on models of cosmological inflation, and the Moon still has surprises in store. All this, trivia, sci-fi rants, and more with the Astroquarks on Walkabout the Galaxy.
Episode Sponsor
Vector Bosons
If you're looking to upgrade from spinless, scaler bosons, don't be fooled by pseudo-vector bosons with their even parity. None of them will ever get you to the fundamentals of elementary particles the way a good, old-fashioned, odd parity, spin one vector boson will. With three spin eigenvalues of plus and minus ħ and 0, vector bosons combine the best of Einstein's statistics with a spin that lets you transform the state to a particle just like a vector in 3-dimensional space. So add a little spin to your bosons with the original vector bosons. (Spin relation does not apply for the special case of photons.) Vector bosons, travel with someone you trust (AAA).
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
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Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "A World That's Out Of This Galaxy" (2021). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 182.