Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
Candy Hansen
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
Candy Hansen, veteran of Voyager, Cassini and Mars missions and head of the JunoCam on Juno at Jupiter joins the astroquarks to talk about the edge of the solar system. The astroquarks discuss what the edge of the solar system is, plus stars from other galaxies, space trivia and superhero news.
Episode Sponsor
The 20-sided Die
Six-sided dice may be great for craps, but the icosahedron rules three-dimensional space as the faciest of platonic solids. With 20 equilateral triangles joined in seamless perfection with 30 seama, and 12 perfect vertices, the D20 is the pinnacle of three-dimensional geometry. While we may not have anything to do with the spacing of the planets, the icosahedron is here to help your DM let you know if your spell hit the dragon, or how much damage your character took from that hideous troll in the dungeon – pretty much anything having to do with either a dungeon or a dragon. So on your walkabout the galaxy, make sure you've got your D20's loaded, and leave the other dice behind! An icosahedron is forever.
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
Date Created
Item Type
Length of Episode
Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "Where No Podcast Except This One Has Gone Before" (2018). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 62.