Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
black hole, Event Horizon Telescope, North Dakota fossils, asteroids
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
We discuss the dramatic first view of a black hole in a special episode recorded in front of a live audience. In addition to the Event Horizon Telescope's image, bonus nerd trivia, and an abundance of space news, we review the latest in space impacts, including the dramatic fossil field in North Dakota revealing the death and mayhem just minutes after the catastrophic asteroid impact that wiped out nearly all life on Earth 65 million years ago.
Episode Sponsor
Black Holes
We're the coolest objects with the worst name. We're the only black holes that nothing ever comes out of, and we still manage to power the most energetic objects in the universe. Our Hawking radiation may be less than a billionth of a Kelvin, but our accretion disks are blowing hot gas harder than any hole on Earth. Black holes – you ain't seen nothin' yet.
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
Date Created
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Length of Episode
Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "I Can See Your Black Hole From Here" (2019). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 77.