Episode Title
Series Title
Walkabout the Galaxy
American Astronomical Society, European Planetary Science Congress
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physics
Ever wonder what goes on at an international meeting of planetary scientists? Who hasn't?! This special episode of Walkabout comes to you from a hotel room in Geneva Switzerland following the joint meeting of the American Astronomical Society's planetary science division and the European Planetary Science Congress. Josh and Addie are joined by original Top Quark Dr. Tracy Becker and Dr. Bonnie Meinke for a free-wheeling discussion of highlights from the meeting, the solar system's most recent visitor from interstellar space, and new findings about how an ancient asteroid collision helped diversify life on planet Earth.
Episode Sponsor
The Little Ice Age
Overheating your planet? Got the CO2 blues? Consider bringing back an Ice Age for some cool relief from those hot summer, spring, fall, and winter days. Most recently visiting your planet starting in 1300, the Little Ice Age can have you ice skating on the Thames and revisiting glaciers wiped out by Global Warming. Thermonuclear war, or a series of mass volcanic eruptions are all you need to get your planet back on the right track for a nice cold Walkabout the Galaxy. So warm up those missiles, and keep Joe out of the volcanoes. Massive delivery of dust to the stratosphere by any means, even extraterrestrial in origin, will cool you down and lead to a different set of extinctions than the ones you're currently causing. Warning: lower air conditioning costs may be off-set by higher heating costs. The Little Ice Age, share the fantasy.
© Joshua Colwell, All Rights Reserved
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Recommended Citation
Colwell, Joshua; Dove, Adrienne; and Cooney, James, "The One From Geneva" (2019). Walkabout the Galaxy Podcast. 92.