
robot, teleoperated, screen, display, interface, Human Factors, orientation, viewpoint, field of view


In remote or teleoperational tasks involving humans and robots, various aspects of the remote display system may greatly influence the individual's interactions with the teleoperated entity. This dissertation examined various configurations of display systems on several measures of operator performance, physiological states, and perceptions of the task. Display configurations included altering the camera placement (attached to the robot or placed overhead), screen orientation (horizontal or vertical), and screen size (small or large). Performance was measured in terms of specific task goals, accuracies, strategies, and completion times. Physiological state was assessed through physiological markers of arousal, specifically heart rate and skin conductance. Operator perception of the task was measured with a self-reported perception of workload and frustration. Scale model live simulation was used to create a task driven environment to test the display configurations. Screen size influenced performance on complex tasks in mixed ways. Participants using a small screen exhibited better problem solving strategies in a complex driving task. However, participants using the large screen exhibited better driving precision when the task required continual attention. These findings have value in design decisions for teleoperated interfaces where the advantages and disadvantages of screen size must be considered carefully. Orientation of the visual information seems to have much less impact on the operator than the source of the information, though it was an important factor of the display system when taken together with screen size and camera view. Results show strong influence of camera placement on many of the performance variables. Interestingly, the participants rated a higher frustration in the overhead condition, but not a higher task load, indicating that while they realized that the task was frustrating and perhaps they could have done better, they did not recognize the task as overloading. This was the case even though they took longer to complete the task and experienced more errors related to turning in the overhead camera condition. This finding may indicate a potential danger for systems in which the operator is expected to recognize when he or she is being overloaded. This type of performance decrease due to added frames of reference may be too subtle to register in the operator's self awareness


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Graduation Date



Sims, Valerie K.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


College of Arts and Humanities



Degree Program

Modeling and Simulation








Release Date

September 2008

Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)

Included in

Psychology Commons
