The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2924
Exploring the Influence of Inclusive Middle School Classrooms on Resilience, Character Education, and Life Skills Development in Students with Disabilities, Katherine Bonilla
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Enhancing Student Graduation Rates by Mitigating Failure, Dropout, and Withdrawal in Introduction to Statistical Courses Using Statistical and Machine Learning, Shahabeddin Abbaspour Tazehkand
Neuro-Symbolic Distillation of Reinforcement Learning Agents, Farhan Fuad Abir
Comprehensive Analysis of the Intersection Between Cryptocurrency and Infrastructure Security, Ayodeji Adeniran
Contextualizing TikTok Controversies: Critical Discourse Analysis of Platform Privacy Debates, Bshaer Kameil Aharazi
Jungle Zoo City People, Justin C. Ahlquist
Machine Learning Algorithms to Study Multi-Modal Data for Computational Biology, Khandakar Tanvir Ahmed
Characterizing The Material Response Of The Passive Myocardium, Mehlil Ahmed
Heat transfer and pseudo-boiling of supercritical Carbon Dioxide in a parallel-flow microchannel and a micro-jets impingement device, Pranzal Ahmed
A Multimodal Framework for Automated Content Moderation of Children's Videos, Syed Hammad Ahmed
Cisplatin Induces Skeletal Muscle Toxicity and Adverse Muscle Remodeling Via Pyroptotic Cell Death, Chisom Nkemdirim Akaniru
Serial and Parallel Elastic Cable Driven Actuator (SPECA) to Achieve Efficient and Safe Human Robot Physical Interaction, Al-Muthanna Al-Ani
Sectarianism and Elite Strategies in Fueling Conflict: Evidence from Iraq under Saddam Hussein and Nouri Al Maliki, Mohammed Al Awwad
Investigating The Effect of Technological Innovation on Countries' Green Production Capabilities Evolution and Spillover, Hanin Alhaddad
Efficient Processing of Convolutional Neural Networks on the Edge: A Hybrid Approach Using Hardware Acceleration and Dual-Teacher Compression, Azzam Alhussain
The Experience of Blind Mothers in Parenting Children with Disabilities ``, Abeer S. Ali
Epidemiological Insights of Covid-19: Understanding Variant Dynamics, Environmental Surveillance and Disparities in Florida, Md Sobur Ali
A Comprehensive and Comparative Examination of Healthcare Data Breaches: Assessing Security, Privacy, and Performance, Mohammed Al Kinoon
Public Deliberation and Social Capital: Building a Framework for Inclusive Dialogue in Haiti through Participatory-Action Research, Kimberley Allonce
Towards Robust and Accurate Text-to-Code Generation, saleh almohaimeed
The Effect of Input Enhancement and L1 Glosses on the Acquisition of English Phrasal Verbs, Abdulmajeed Alotaibi
Demystifying The Hosting Infrastructure of The Free Content Web: A Security Perspective, Mohammed Alqadhi
GitHub Uncovered: Revealing the Social Fabric of Software Development Communities, Abduljaleel Al Rubaye
Exploring Service Quality Among US Hajj Pilgrims in Compliance with Vision 2030 Objectives, Majid Abdulmalik Alshaibi
Software Company Workplace Bias in Technical Communication, Amanda Altamirano
Reconceptualizing Urban Innovation: A Community-Level, Self-Governing Perspective, Nina Alvandipour
Anticipating Combustion: Suffering's Potential For Finding Meaning, Perseverance, And Transcendence, Alexander Alvarez
Eavesdropping-Driven Profiling Attacks on Encrypted WiFi Networks: Unveiling Vulnerabilities in IoT Device Security, Ibrahim A. Alwhbi
Internet-of-Things Privacy in WiFi Networks: Side-Channel Leakage and Mitigations, Mnassar Alyami
Privacy and Security of the Windows Registry, Edward L. Amoruso
Inclusifying the Rehearsal Room: Creating Accessible and Accommodating Theatrical Spaces for Young People, Christian Anderson
Examining Changes in Pain Sensitivity Following 8 Minutes of Cycling at Varying Exercise Intensities, Brandi B. Antonio
Investigating Natural Proline-rich Antimicrobial Peptides (PrAMPs) Activity Towards Klebsiella pneumoniae, Ridhwana M. Appiah
High-Performance Integrated Photonic on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate, Farzaneh Arab Juneghani
Spatial Reasoning: Modeling Cognitive Integration for Acquisitions, Nicholas Armendariz
The Role of Cellular Senescence in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs), Sarah A. Ashiqueali
Opportunities and Insecurities: Discursive Power and the Neoliberal Transformation of Work in the Great Resignation, Caroline Austin
First Principles Studies of Nano-Scale Phenomena At Surfaces: From Characteristics of Single Atom Catalysts to Molecular Structure Formation, Dave I. Austin
Entropic Dynamics in Societal Systems: Integrating Social Physics, Computational Modeling, and Statistics for Understanding Social Change, Sahar A. Awaji
Resilient Cooperative Control of Cyber-Physical Systems: Enhancing Robustness Against Significant Time Delays and Denial-of-Service Attacks, Deepalakshmi Babu Venkateswaran
Developing a Multi-Level Model of Integrated-Organizational Resilience, Reza Bahari
Fundamental Experimental Tests and Modeling of LOx/CH4 Engines at High Pressures, Jessica Baker
Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in Diabetic Dyslipdemic mice is Mitigated by Stem Cell Derived Exosomes, Abha Banerjee
NeuroGaze in Virtual Reality: Assessing an EEG and Eye Tracking Interface against Traditional Virtual Reality Input Devices, Wanyea Barbel
Developing Integrated DNA Molecular Circuits, Andrea C. Bardales Martinez
Evaluating Sexual Dimorphism in Occipital Morphological Shape Through Modern Human Ontogenetic Changes, Jennifer S. Barritt
Imaginative Immersion: Developing a Theatre of the Mind Pedagogy for an Ever-Changing Educational Landscape, Cory Kennedy Barrow
Structural Characterization of Spinal Afferents in the Male Rat Heart Using Anterograde Tracing, Kayla Barton
Deep Learning Informed Assistive Technologies for Biomedical and Human Activity Applications, Nasrin Bayat
A Stress Perspective of Leader-Follower Relationship Ambivalence, Ghada Baz
Comparative Analysis of Volatile Terpenoid Profiles in Agrobacterium Rhizogenes-Transformed Hairy Roots of Helianthus Annuus, Roberta Beard
Decoding and Generating Poetry: Using Feminist Theory and Digital Media to Demonstrate Maya Angelou's Writing as Activism, Emery Beckman
A Multiscale Meshless Method for Simulating Cardiovascular Flows, Kyle Beggs
Echo, Ana Beltran
Distribution and Morphology of CGRP-IR Axons in Flat-Mounts of Whole Rat Hearts and Whole Male/Female Mouse Atria, Kohlton T. Bendowski
The Varieties of Civilian Praetorianism & the Politics of Post-Coup Regime Development, Salah Ben Hammou
Design of Near-Zero Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity Films Demonstrated Using Atomic Layer Deposition, Sasha Novia Berriel
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Assessing species distribution model realism and applicability with virtual and empirical species, Hannah R. Bevan
Advancing Policy Insights: Opinion Data Analysis and Discourse Structuring Using LLMs, Aaditya Bhatia
Applications of Plasmonic Biosensors in Chiral and Achiral Sensing, Aritra Biswas
Mindful Approaches, Transforming Hearts: Cultivating Elementary Students' Positive Mathematics Identity Development Through an Equity-Based Morning Mathematics Club, Kayla N. Blankenship
Reconstructing Seasonality at the Buns Mound Site, Cape Canaveral, Florida Using Oxygen (δ18O) Isotopes from Donax Variabilis, Zachary Boal
Home, Sweet Home: Gender the Civil War and Reunion Through Popular Music, Nathanial E. Bock
Defining the roles of BlaRI orthologs in Mycobacterium abscessus, Lauren E. Bonefont
Analytical and Experimental Verification of Bistable Composite Laminates for Aerospace Applications, Maxwell J. Booth
Predicting Post-School Outcomes of Transition Aged Students With High Incidence Disabilities, Jacob Brewer
An Examination of Frontline Service Workers' Empathy in a Cobot Team, Emily Anne Broker
An Exploration of Public Artifacts on the Administrative and Leadership Persona of African American Women College and University Presidents, Elizabeth J. Brown-Jordan
Productivity Assessment of a Nanofiltration Membrane Process Treating Unaerated or Aerated Groundwater, Gabriele A. Brummer
Novel Phase Shifters Using Reconfigurable Filters, Georgiy Brussenskiy
Optical Seed Development For Yb-Fiber Laser, James G. Brutus
Campbell & The Cryptid: Mindfulness and Mediality, Elaina Buffkin
The Impact Of Experience Replay Buffers On Catastrophic Forgetting Within Proximal Policy Optimization, Cynthia Burke
Mending a Broken Heart: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Treating Psychological Distress Following Romantic Breakups, Sabrina M. Butler
Investigating K–12 Teachers’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Self-Efficacy after Implementation of Problem-Based Learning, Paulina Bzdun
MOSafely: Building an Open-Innovation Community to Promote Adolescent Online Safety through Multi-Disciplinary Collaborations and Teen-Centered Risk Detection, Xavier V. Caddle
Niña de Cristal | Girl of Glass, Camila Cal Mello
An Analysis of Factor Affecting Graduation Rates in a Large Suburban Florida School District During the Pandemic, Brittany Campbell
Dress to Impress: New Composition Instructors' Interpretations and Embodiment of Professionalism as Displayed through Dress, Jacqueline C. Cano Diaz
Past and Present Communities of Pottery Practice in Guatemala, Karla J. Cardona
Steps of Theatrical Design: A Resource for Activating Educators to Teach Design in High Schools, Chandler Caroccio
On Vulnerabilities of Building Automation Systems, Michael Cash
Numerical and Analytical Evaluations of Impact of Atmospheric Particles on Aircraft, Brendon A. Cavainolo
The Art And Business Of Documentary Filmmaking: Insights From “La Buena Cosecha” And Its Role In Highlighting Latino Contributions To The United States, Melanie Cedeno-Lopez
Expanding the Capabilities of 3d Microelectrodes Arrays with A Multi-Material Palette and A 6-Well Flex Circuit System, Omar S. Cepeda Torres
Multifunctional Fingerprinting of Individual Fibroblasts Using MEMS-Based Devices, Ji W. Chang
Exploring The Removal Potential of Multi-pollutants from Water Matrices with Innovative Speciality Adsorbents in A Field-scale Filtration System, Jinxiang Cheng
Carleman Linearization for Nonlinear Systems and Their Explicit Error Bounds, Panpan Chen
A Limit Order Book Model for High Frequency Trading with Rough Volatility, Yun S. Chen-Shue
Quantifying Age and Growth Rates of Gray Snapper (Lutjanus griseus) in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, Wei Chen
Fourth and Fifth-Grade Teacher Experiences with ELS in the Science Classroom, Kiana Cheverez
Bactesign Biosystems Technologies for In Vitro Bacterial Models, Andre Childs
Spectral Approaches for Characterizing Heterogeneity in Infectious Disease Models, Seoyun Choe
Associations Between Fall Risk and Physical Activity in Older Adults and A Cable-Driven Ankle Perturbation System to Induce Slip and Trip Perturbations, Renoa Choudhury
Understanding and Enhancing Performance and Microarchitecture Security in Modern and Emerging Computer Systems, Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy
Transcriptomic Underpinnings of Diversification, Phenotypic Plasticity, and Disease Response In Non-Model Amphibians, Nicholas Christodoulides
Statistical Analysis of the Cellular Structure in Normal and Oblique Detonation Waves, Robyn Cideme