Pre-Conference Field Trips: December 7, 2017
Upon the request of some participants, the Summit committee is pleased to organize and provide the following field trips, which are expected to offer great learning experiences and discussion highlights for Summit participants from a tourism and community development perspective.
- Pre-Conference One-Day Field Trips by 15 November ($100), including:
- Transportation
- Tour guide
- Coordination with business partner meetings
Click here to register for the field trip.
Morning trip to Lake Nona, Orlando, Florida - A Model of Smart and Health City
Looking for the best model for a smart city, health city, or a 21st century prototype community with cutting-edge technology and healthy living styles? You can find all these in one community – Lake Nona! Lake Nona is a 7,000-acre (28 km2) mixed-use planned community within the city limits of Orlando, southeast of Orlando International Airport. Being developed by Lake Nona Property Holdings, the Lake Nona Region is home to Lake Nona Golf & Country Club, a life sciences cluster becoming known as Lake Nona's medical city, and an array of retail centers, recreational facilities and residential options.

Lake Nona Medical City is considered a biomedical research and educational hub since it includes the University of Central Florida College of Nursing, College of Medicine and College of Dental Medicine, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, the Orlando Veterans Administration Medical Center, Nemours Children’s Hospital, and a University of Florida Academic and Research Center. It is considered a model for smart cities and homes in the future as America’s first gigabit city. It is also the new home for the headquarters of United States Tennis Association, a state-of-the-art facility with 100 professional tennis courts.

Afternoon and evening outing at Disney Springs - A model for tourism resort complex development
As a resort destination complex, how can you maximize revenue without even selling tickets? You will find answers after visiting Disney Springs! Disney Springs is an outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment complex at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, near Orlando. The complex opened on March 22, 1975, and has been expanded and renamed at other times over the years, until 2013, when plans were announced for a three-year renovation and expansion of the complex, and on September 29, 2015, the name officially changed to Disney Springs.
The complex includes four distinct areas: Marketplace, The Landing, Town Center, and West Side. The Marketplace houses many shops and restaurants reminiscent of the American Craftsman-style of the 1930s. The Landing depicts the fictional town's transportation hub and marina, and features nautical-themed restaurants and shops, including Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar—an aviation-themed dive bar based on the character from the Indiana Jones films—and The Boathouse, which serves as the port for the amphibious automobiles that offer cruises of Lake Buena Vista. Town Center depicts the fictional town's central business district, featuring Spanish Revival architecture from the 1920s. The area debuted in 2016, having been built on former surface parking lots, and features many well-known retailers. West Side depicts the town's exposition center, having been developed in the 1950s, according to the town's fictional history and has now been renamed AMC Disney Springs 24.

Summit co-organizers:

We hope to see you in sunny Orlando, Florida in December, 2017!
应广大参会人员的要求,本峰会提供会前当地项目考察,旨在帮助参会学者和业界同仁更加深入了解美国本地的旅游酒店业发展情况。 现将考察行程介绍如下:
上午行程:诺娜湖新城(Lake Nona)- 享誉“智慧健康新城典范”
诺娜湖新城是新型智慧健康城市的模范城区,又被誉为21世纪科技感和崇尚健康生活的典范社区。 诺娜湖位于奥兰多市、奥兰多国际机场的东南角,占地7000英亩(28平方公里),是一座集生活、旅游、生态、科技的综合社区。诺娜湖新城主要由诺娜湖房地产公司(Lake Nona Property Holdings)开发,其内设有诺娜湖高尔夫乡村俱乐部(Lake Nona Golf & Country Club)、被赞誉为“诺娜湖医学城市”的生命科技馆、以及一系列购物、娱乐中心和居民设施。
诺娜湖医学城(Lake Nona Medical City)是一座兼有生物科研和教学的综合体。其主要成员包括:中央佛罗里达大学护士学院、医学学院、以及口腔医学学院、桑福德-伯纳姆医学研究所(Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute)、奥兰多退役军人医疗中心(Orlando Veterans Administration Medical Center)、尼莫儿童医院(Nemours Children’s Hospital)、以及奥兰多大学科研中心(University of Florida Academic and Research Center)。 诺娜湖新城是智慧城市的代表,也是全美国首个“千兆”城市。 值得一提的是,美国网球协会(United States Tennis Association)的总部刚乔迁到诺娜湖新城。因此,诺娜湖新城也是坐拥百个专业网球场馆的体育运动之城。
下午以及晚上行程:迪士尼之泉(Disney Springs)-旅游度假综合体的典范
作为度假村,如何能够不靠卖门票而最大限度增加营业额?来到迪士尼之泉,你便能找到答案!迪士尼之泉位于华特迪士尼世界度假村(Walt Disney World Resort)内,毗邻奥兰多,是一个集购物、餐饮、和娱乐为一体的综合旅游度假胜地 。迪士尼之泉于1975年3月22日正式营业,当时取名为布埃纳文图拉湖购物村(Lake Buena Vista Shopping Village),后经过多年改造,直到2013年,官方宣布三年整改创新计划,于2015年该综合旅游度假胜地正式改名为迪士尼之泉(Disney Springs)。< /br> 迪士尼之泉主要包括四个区域:大市场(Marketplace)、快乐岛(The Landing)、城市中心(Town Center)、以及纽约西区(West Side)。大市场内有各色商店和1930年代美国风格的饭店。快乐岛描绘各种具有科幻色彩的交通枢纽和海滨广场,各种海洋主题的餐馆和商店供游人消费。其中包括约克.林赛飞机库酒吧(Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar)-该酒吧是以夺宝奇兵为主题的航空飞行酒吧、 船屋餐厅(The Boathouse)-- 该餐厅也作为港口,以备行驶在布埃纳文图拉湖(Lake Buena Vista)上水路两用的行船停靠。城市中心展示科幻城市商务中心区,主要采用1920年代西班牙复兴时期的建筑风格。该中心2016年才竣工完成,坐拥很多知名的品牌底商。 纽约西区是迪士尼之泉的展览中心,早在1950年代就开发建造,目前被改名为AMC迪士尼之泉24.
- 100美元(在2017年11月15日之前交付),费用项目包括:
- 交通
- 导游
- 可能的商务洽谈会议协调