
Kevin Arms; Theodorea Regina Berry; Beau Case; Aimee deNoyelles; Athena Hoeppner, Briyanna Jenkins; Karen Kaufmann, Holly Larson; Courtney Moore, Jeremy Norton; Peggy Nuhn; Devika Ramsingh; Jasmine Simmons; Min Tong; Jennifer Wright


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transfer students; AA-degreed transfer students, transfer pathways; transfer student success; academic writing; plagiarism, academic librarians; information literacy instruction; collaboration; student conduct; academic integrity


The “Celebration of Librarian Collaboration for Transfer Student Success” event is intended to increase awareness of how librarians can collaborate between institutions to increase awareness and support for students transferring to UCF from our six DirectConnect partner colleges. Although the event primarily refers to the UCF and DirectConnect partnership, the concept of collaboration between librarians at universities and librarians at feeder colleges can be applied to all universities and colleges with established institutional pathways. As academic research, writing and citation of sources are all essential to academic success and integrity, communication and collaboration between faculty librarians and departments such as the campus writing center and the office of student conduct/academic integrity can inform our practice and provide enhanced support for students at a particularly stressful point in their academic progression.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Celebration For Transfer Student Success 2022 - Part (29 kB)
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