Images of Central Florida

60th Anniversary of church; 1972; Kucharik, John, Rev.; Jakubcin, George, Sr.; Lukas, Daniel; Lukas, Mary Ann Hvizdak; Duda, Walter; Duda, Judy DeCoste; Colbert, James (Jim); Colbert, Sue Mikler; "Sanford Herald"; Duda, Anna Mikler; Lukas, Gertrude; Sindlinger, Susan; Pempey, Betty Mikler; Weisenbarger, Mary Ann Tesinsky
An article published in the Sanford Herald on March 24, 1972, describes the celebration of St. Luke's 60th Anniversary on March 19, 1972: "Rev. John J. Kucharik based his sermon on 'Builders,' as taken from Matthew 7:24-29, for the 60th anniversary service of St. Luke's Lutheran Church. A narration of [the] congregation's history was given by James Colbert. Mrs. Betty Kohany was organist and Mrs. Judy Duda was choir director." The full article was accompanied by a photo of Pastor Kucharik, standing near the entrance of the church with Mr. George Jakubcin, Sr. who was the oldest living founding member (at age 85) of the congregation at that point in time. Church records show that a special event (planned by committee: Jim & Sue Colbert, Walter & Judy Duda and Dan & Mary Ann Lukas), including a pastry buffet and a display of historical images in the halls of the new junior high school building, followed the special bilingual worship service, held at 3:00 pm.
March, 1972
Seminole County, Fla.
Side of Image
Front of Postcard
St. Luke's Lutheran Church and School; DSpace at St. Luke's
Repository Collection
St. Luke's Lutheran Church: Brick church 1957-1992; SLLC Church Archives
Rights Statement
All rights to images are held by the respective holding institution. This image is posted publicly for non-profit educational uses, excluding printed publication. For permission to reproduce images and/or for copyright information contact St. Luke's Lutheran Church at 2021 W SR 426, Oviedo, FL 32765 or (407) 365-3408.
Digital Publisher
St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Oviedo, Fla.
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Jpeg2000 images were derived from previously scanned jpeg images.
Recommended Citation
"60th Anniversary of St. Luke's Lutheran Church, March, 1972" (1972). Images of Central Florida. 4789.
60th Anniversary of church; 1972; Kucharik, John, Rev.; Jakubcin, George, Sr.; Lukas, Daniel; Lukas, Mary Ann Hvizdak; Duda, Walter; Duda, Judy DeCoste; Colbert, James (Jim); Colbert, Sue Mikler; "Sanford Herald"; Duda, Anna Mikler; Lukas, Gertrude; Sindlinger, Susan; Pempey, Betty Mikler; Weisenbarger, Mary Ann Tesinsky