
Schubert, William H., "John Dewey as a Philosophical Basis for Small Schools," pp. 53-66 in William Ayers, Michael Klonsky, and Gabrielle H. Lyon, eds., A Simple Justice: The Challenge of Small Schools. New York: Teachers College Press, 2000.*


Explains the author's use of role-playing Dewey's views (and others) in teaching teachers; highlights six questions drawn from Dewey's article on utopian schools (1933) to contrast his views of education with today's views.

Broad Topical Focus

Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Enactment and Teaching, Curriculum Theorists

Source Discipline


Mode of Inquiry in the Study

Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry, Critical Inquiry

Type of Study

Single Study

Narrow Topic

Conceptions of Teaching


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