
Apple, Michael W., "The Adequacy of Systems Management Procedures in Education and Alternatives," Journal of Educational Research, 66(September, 1972), 10-18. Reprinted in Albert H. Lee, ed., Perspectives on Management Systems Approaches in Education: A Symposium . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, 1973. Another version pp. 105-122 in Michael W. Apple, Ideology and Curriculum. New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979.*


Critiques the technical ideology in systems management procedures from political and ethical perspectives.

Broad Topical Focus

Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Change

Source Discipline


Mode of Inquiry in the Study

Critical Inquiry

Type of Study

Single Study

Narrow Topic

Curriculum and Politics, Ethical Issues in Curriculum, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum


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