CIRS: Curriculum Inquiry and Related Studies from Educational Research: A Searchable Bibliography of Selected Studies
Barone, Tom, "Persuasive Writings, Vigilant Readings, and Reconstructed Characters: The Paradox of Trust in Educational Storytelling," pp. 63-74 in J. Amos Hatch and Roger Wisniewski, eds., Life History and Narrative. London: Falmer Press, 1995. Reprinted pp. 245-266 in Tom Barone, Aesthetics, Politics, and Educational Inquiry: Essays and Examples. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.
Sets forth criteria for authoring emancipatory, artfully persuasive, educational stories; draws on Bakhtin's work.
Broad Topical Focus
Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines
Source Discipline
Mode of Inquiry in the Study
Narrative Inquiry
Type of Study
Single Study
Narrow Topic
Knowledge Generation, Value Assumptions and Ideologies in Curriculum
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