Waks, Leonard J., "Brown v Board, Common Citizenship,and the Limits of Curriculum," Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 20(Winter, 2005), 94-128.


Leonard J. Waks


Shows how equal or common citizenship has not been achieved through court decisions since Brown, how factors inside and outside schools have changed the context for equal citizenship, and poses a possible solution: the networked common school in a virtual megasetting.

Broad Topical Focus

Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Development, Organization, Design, Curriculum Contexts and Societal Influences, Curriculum Proposals in Coherent Form

Source Discipline


Mode of Inquiry in the Study

Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay

Type of Study

Single Study

Narrow Topic

Curriculum History, Citizenship Education, Media and Computers in Curriculum Development, Hidden Curriculum, Criticism of Schooling, Curriculum Aims and Objectives


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