
Ercikan, Kadriye, and Wolff-Michael Roth, "What Good is Polarizing Research into Qualitative and Quantitative? Educational Researcher, 35(June/July, 2006), 14-23.


Conceives an eight dimension continuum from low-level to high-level inferences on which both quantitative and qualitative studies can be placed; calls for starting with research questions which then require different kinds of research methods and modes of inquiry to generate answers; collaboration among experts in different kinds of reserach methods may be required depending on where the study falls on the continuum.

Broad Topical Focus

Curriculum Inquiry Guidelines

Source Discipline


Mode of Inquiry in the Study

Multiple/Mixed Forms of Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay

Type of Study

Single Study

Narrow Topic

Knowledge Generation, Qualitative Research


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