
Lundgren, Ulf P., "Political Governing and Curriculum Change--From Active to Reactive Curriculum Reforms," pp. 109-122 in Eero Ropo and Tero Autio, eds., International Conversations on Curriculum Studies: Subject, Society, and Curriculum. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2009.


Ulf P. Lundgren


Recaps the history of theories governing curriculum change in Europe and the United States; contrasts decentralization and privatization of curriculum decision-making, as well as governing by goals or outcomes, in relation to the changing culture of globalization; draws implications for practice and research.

Broad Topical Focus

Curriculum Administration, Leadership, Finance, Curriculum Policies and Policy Making, Curriculum Change

Source Discipline


Mode of Inquiry in the Study

Philosophical Inquiry-Speculative Essay

Type of Study

Single Study

Narrow Topic

Curriculum and Politics, Local Control of Schooling, Organization Theory, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Comparative Curriculum


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