Pring, Richard, "The Language of Curriculum Analysis," pp. 54-69 in Paul Hirst, et al., The Curriculum: The Doris Lee Lectures. London: University of London, Institute of Education, 1975. Reprinted pp. 163-179 in Richard Pring, Philosophy of Education: Aims, Theory, Common Sense, and Research. New York: Continuum, 2004.
Argues for curriculum theorists to ground their theoretical work in curriculum practice; analyzes the work of Hirst, Young, and Bernstein; suggests that practical matters in curriculum have elements related to practical reasoning rather than to concepts describing the curriculum itself.
Broad Topical Focus
Curriculum Conceptions and Theories, Relation of Curriculum Research to Practice, Curriculum Theorists
Source Discipline
Mode of Inquiry in the Study
Theoretical/Conceptual Inquiry, Philosophical Inquiry-Ampliative Criticism
Type of Study
Single Study
Narrow Topic
Curriculum Theory Creation and Uses, Curriculum Professors
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