
test construction; information literacy; assessment; education students


Few constituencies exist where it is more important to produce informationliterate individuals than teacher candidates, yet rarely is it suggested that practitioners entering the field are adequately prepared to teach and model information literacy to their students. As a result, information literacy has been established as a key outcome by anumber of teacher education accrediting bodies and professional associations. Corollaryto this initiative is the effort to develop valid instruments that assess information literacy skills. Yet, at the time of this dissertation, no rigorously reviewed instruments wereuncovered that measure the information literacy skills levels of teacher candidates.The study describes the development and validation of the Beile Test ofInformation Literacy for Education (B-TILED). Funded in part by the Institute forLibrary and Information Literacy Education and the Institute of Museum and LibraryServices, the study is part of a national initiative spear-headed by the Project for theStandardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (SAILS).

Date Created

January 2005

Included in

Education Commons
