
library instruction; assessment; education students


Given the investment in librarian time and energy and faculty and student time constraints, it was deemed important to assess effectiveness of course-integrated library instruction, and more specifically, whether repeated library instruction has a cumulative effect on student learning. As such, students who began the study with no prior library instruction experience (n=45) were contrasted with students who had completed a library walking tour and worksheet (n=34) and with those who had attended previous course-integrated library instruction (n=27). A pre-test/post-test research design was utilized, with course-integrated library instruction as treatment. Analysis indicated a statistically significant difference (dependent t(105)=2.18, p<.05) between pre-test (M=49.43, SD=19.24) and post-test (M=77.69, SD=14.64) scores. However, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed students with no prior library instruction experience did not significantly differ from those who completed a walking tour and worksheet or those who attended a prior course-integrated library instruction session (F(2,103)=1.63, p=.2).

Date Created

January 2003

Included in

Education Commons
