Serum albumin is the most abundant protein found in blood plasma. It has been shown that a small amount of serum albumin may leak into urine from blood if there is damage to kidneys. Therefore, the detection of urine albumin has become a non-invasive method for screening kidney disease. Cyanine dyes are a fluorescent compound, which are used in biotechnology such as membrane labeling and biomedical imaging. However, cyanine dyes in aqueous solution have shown tendencies to form H-aggregates, which in the transition moments of the cyanine dyes form a face-to-face arrangement. Due to the strong coupling of the transition dipole moment, the fluorescence of H-aggregates is quenching, thus greatly limiting their applications in biotechnology. In this thesis, we synthesize single crystalline H-aggregate nanoparticles by the self-assembly 3,3'-diethylthiadicarbocyanine iodide (DiSC2(5)) in NaOH and KOH aqueous solutions. The single crystalline H-aggregate nanoparticles show a lattice spacing of 0.26 nm and express a narrow absorption band at 450 nm, which is largely blued shifted with respect to the monomer band at 650 nm. After the addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA), the single crystalline H-aggregate nanoparticles further assemble into polycrystalline nanoclusters, which are highly fluorescent. The turn-on fluorescence is from the grain boundary of the polycrystalline nanoclusters. We find that the intensity of the turn-on fluorescence linearly increases with BSA concentrations, providing a new turn-on fluorescent probe for the detection of BSA in synthetic urine with the detection limit of 1-2 µM.
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Graduation Date
Fang, Jiyu
Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (M.S.M.S.E.)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Materials Science and Engineering
Degree Program
Materials Science and Engineering
CFE0008972; DP0026305
Release Date
May 2025
Length of Campus-only Access
3 years
Access Status
Masters Thesis (Campus-only Access)
STARS Citation
Dicce, Arianna, "Turn-On Fluorescence of H-Aggregate Nanoparticles for Selective Protein Detection" (2022). Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-2023. 1001.