
Designing a concession for Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) agreements is a complicated process due to the number of variables that need to be considered. The PPP concession has many parameters and components, and a change in one component will considerably impact other components. Hence, the determination of the fair values of the concession components needs to be based on mutual benefits between the concession participants. The concession participants have different parts in the development of the concession; hence, they have different perspectives and goals. Therefore, the concession design needs to be constructed to balance the interests of the involved parties to ensure a smooth and sustainable development of the project. The first phase of this dissertation aims to build a Socio-Economic System Dynamic (SD) model to facilitate and enhance the decision-making process for PPP projects. It should help determine and assess the adequate concession period, concession price (user-payment), government subsidy, and capital structure. Also, a Socio-Economic Sustainability indicator will be provided to evaluate the Socio-Economic Sustainability Performance for the given case study. The model proposed in this phase provides a holistic perspective of the complex interplay between PPP effectiveness and several socioeconomic variables and is potentially valuable in facilitating and enhancing the decision-making process for PPP projects. The second phase of this dissertation aims to build a Socio-Economic Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) model to help determine the optimal concession values. It should provide possible values for several concession factors (concession period and price, government subsidy, and capital structure). Also, a Socio-Economic Sustainability indicator will be provided to assess the Socio-Economic Sustainability Performance for the given case studies. The proposed model aims to simultaneously optimize the values for the different concession variables when they are dependent on each other, considering the trade-offs between the components. Having these contribution options can facilitate and enhance the decision-making process for both the public and private parties.


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Graduation Date





Tatari, Omer


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


College of Engineering and Computer Science


Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering

Degree Program

Civil Engineering


CFE0009141; DP0026737





Release Date

August 2022

Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)
