Egghead & Twinkie is a micro-budget feature film created by Sarah Kambe Holland to satisfy the requirements for earning a Master of Fine Arts in the Feature Film Production program at the University of Central Florida. The film follows a mixed-Asian teenager as she comes out to her parents and embarks on a road trip to meet her online crush with the help of her nerdy best friend. The intention behind the project is to reduce fear surrounding the coming out process by portraying the experience through a comedic lens. The production team aims to continue a rich history of LGBTQ independent filmmaking through working within the confines of an exceedingly limited budget. Featuring animated elements, green screen effects, and twenty-two different shooting locations, this highly ambitious production required an abundance of problem solving and pre-planning in order to preserve the integrity of the original script and successfully adapt it for the screen. The following document describes the multi-year journey to create the film, from the development stage to the marketing strategy planned for its eventual distribution. For future scholars, this thesis serves as a record detailing how a team of independent filmmakers adapted and persevered in order to produce a feature in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Graduation Date
Ritter, Timothy
Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)
College of Sciences
Film and Mass Media
Degree Program
Feature Film Production
CFE0009190; DP0026786
Release Date
August 2025
Length of Campus-only Access
3 years
Access Status
Masters Thesis (Campus-only Access)
STARS Citation
Kambe Holland, Sarah, "Egghead & Twinkie: Continuing the Tradition of LGBTQ Micro-budget Cinema" (2022). Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-2023. 1219.