
In the modern-day, IoT-enabled devices and sensors are growingly deployed in a variety of applications in consumer, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure spaces. Thus, decentralization of such networks for reducing the maintenance and repair costs is significantly gaining attention. In this dissertation, we investigate a variety of mathematical tools and technological advancements to design a secure, fully decentralized, and self-governed IoT network. On this path, the main challenge is ensuring the data integrity in IoT networks, securing the devices against a variety of attack scenarios, and preserving the privacy of the users. We begin by proposing a prospect theoretic method for trust management in IoT networks that outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in detecting adversarial activities under different attack scenarios. Trust management is used for establishing security in IoT networks by detecting malicious nodes and faulty data and excluding them from the network. Thereafter, we try to devise a fully decentralized approach to overcome the drawbacks of centralized methods such as single point of failure and high network overhead. In this regard, we survey blockchain technology which is well-known for decentralizing financial networks. Firstly, we study the opportunities and challenges to apply blockchain to IoT networks. The main obstacle is that the existing blockchain frameworks are primarily developed for financial networks. So, they lack most of the elemental features for IoT networks such as real-time transactions and low network and computational overhead. Therefore, we design a new consensus method in blockchain using artificial intelligence for real-time transactions in small-scale IoT networks. As a further step, we examine how to adopt Blockchain for large-scale IoT networks. To this end, we investigate the shortcomings of trust management in vehicular networks which have more strict requirements compared to other IoT networks due to the dynamic topology, high mobility, and large-scale environment. Finally, to overcome these limitations, we design a novel blockchain-based architecture for secure, real-time, and fully decentralized V2X communication.


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Graduation Date





Pourmohammadi Fallah, Yaser


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


College of Engineering and Computer Science


Computer Science

Degree Program

Computer Science


CFE0009315; DP0026919





Release Date

June 2023

Length of Campus-only Access

1 year

Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)
