
The purpose of the quantitative non-experimental research study is to analyze the relationship between the impact of using cost engineering approaches and the success rate of Six Sigma projects in the manufacturing industry. This study focuses on the relationship between Six Sigma project failures and whether skilled cost engineering professionals, methods or a cost management system was used to ensure that accurate cost data was utilized during the design project's lifecycle. Many companies using Six Sigma and related methodologies for product design have implemented with great success yet there are studies indicating that only 13% of firms reported achieving their annual profit objectives (Cooper, 2019; Guarraia, 2008). Researchers have found numerous critical failure factors associated with Six Sigma project failures but there is little research as to whether the underlying causes were related to the accuracy of cost estimate inputs required for manufacturing a product (Antony, Lizarelli, & Machado Fernandes, 2020). There is also an abundance of research studies that discuss critical success factors that support the increased likelihood of product design success so it is reasonable to assume that product design projects that failed may have neglected to implement these factors. Using a two-phase explanatory mixed-methods design that began with a nominal quantitative survey that included 177 Six Sigma practitioners responding to 26 questions. This phase was conducted to verify and validate the proposed research questions. Based on the analysis of the survey results a set of explanatory questions was developed for a qualitative semi-structured interview study that included nine subject matter experts recruited from the field of cost engineering (Creswell, 2015). Using thematic analysis, the responses from the interviews were then coded and categorized. After multiple iterations of analysis themes emerged allowing the researcher to develop a conclusion about the research question (V. Braun & V. Clarke, 2021). The results of this study indicate that the four themes, if implemented properly, can improve the failure rates for Six Sigma projects caused by cost related issues.


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Graduation Date





Elshennawy, Ahmad


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


College of Engineering and Computer Science


Industrial Engineering and Management Systems

Degree Program

Industrial Engineering




CFE0009418; DP0027141





Release Date

December 2022

Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)
