The fouling is a ubiquitous natural process which leads to deterioration of desirable properties of the submerged surfaces. The fouling of mammalian fur is, however, seldomly observed in nature. A mammal's energy reserve is apparently insufficient for active foulant removal, indicating that fur's anti-fouling behavior is an inherent, passive characteristic. Such ability stands in contrast to the currently available methods countering the fouling, which are predominantly active, and thus wasteful. We investigate the dependence of fur fouling on different physico-mechanical properties of the fibers, and the surrounding liquid. Using the bespoke experimental devices, we observe the fur's anti-fouling performance, and collect the data describing the fouling intensity of fibers submerged in moving or near-quiescent liquids. By combining physico-mechanical factors affecting the fouling: fluid mechanics, shape, surface topography, and surface interactions, we develop analytical and computational models to establish the correlations between the anti-fouling performances of different fibers and liquid flow regimes. The parameters such as: liquid velocity, presence of foulants in liquid, surface curvature, topographical pattern, and type of material affect the fouling in a statistically predictable manner. Manipulation of the parameters may, therefore, enable manufacturing of filaments with targeted anti-fouling properties. In addition to the physico-mechanical factors, a wide range of other factors such as: chemical factors, biological factors, stochastic processes, and deterministic phenomena influence the fouling process. Our research offers a foundation for other disciplines to build upon with the research targeting the other factors influencing the fouling, and to improve the understanding of fur's anti-fouling behavior. Passive means of foulants rejection carry tremendous potential benefits in terms of energy and environmental conservation.
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Graduation Date
Ghosh, Ranajay
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Degree Program
Mechanical Engineering
CFE0009552; DP0027561
Release Date
May 2028
Length of Campus-only Access
5 years
Access Status
Doctoral Dissertation (Campus-only Access)
STARS Citation
Krsmanovic, Milos, "Influence of Flow and Stratum Characteristics on Fouling Behavior of Flexible Fiber Patches" (2023). Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-2023. 1595.