This study aims to design a "plasmoresistor" device that operates via optoelectronic transduction to rapidly detect target biomarkers. Traditional plasmonic biosensors rely on detection of optical shifts to the plasmonic frequency upon binding events. This method is inherently limited by the diffraction limit of spectrophotometers and is difficult for point-of-care situations in several aspects. The tools needed for optical read-outs are expensive, require special handling, and the analysis proves time-consuming. Here, detection of biomarkers will be achieved by utilizing the plasmonic hot electrons of illuminated gold nanorods. The changes to hot electron production are used to detect analyte adsorption. The plasmonic nanostructured device is selectively coated with pin-hole free, ultrathin films using area-selective atomic layer deposition. The precise control over film deposition allows for the optimization of hot electron transfer, while maintaining gold nanorod integrity. Bare Au surfaces available for intimate contact with molecules are required for label-free sensing. Investigation of hot electron generation from plasmonic nanostructures and injection through a Schottky barrier into a vicinal medium is essential to optimize the material properties of the device. This work aims to characterize the number of hot electrons generated by each plasmonic AuNR and by characterizing the optoelectronic dependance on the process-structure-property relationship of plasmoresistor devices. In addition, a novel material of TiSiN is systemically designed to achieve electrical properties that are independent of temperature. This system coupled with plasmonic nanoparticles offer an opportunity to study the electronic properties without the contribution of heat. The knowledge gained from this work will aid in future development of plasmoresistor devices as next generation sensors, photovoltaics, and photocatalysis.
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Graduation Date
Banerjee, Parag
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Materials Science and Engineering
Degree Program
Materials Science and Engineering
CFE0009828; DP0027769
Release Date
June 2026
Length of Campus-only Access
3 years
Access Status
Doctoral Dissertation (Campus-only Access)
STARS Citation
Feit, Corbin, "Characterization of Hot Electrons Generated in Plasmonic Nanostructured Sensors" (2022). Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-2023. 1726.
Restricted to the UCF community until June 2026; it will then be open access.
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