Combustion, Power Generation, Hydrogen, Flame Stabilization
The injection of varying fuel-air mixtures into a vitiated, high-speed crossflow is investigated at five atmosphere chamber pressure in this work. The experimental facility has two combustion stages: a headend stage to create the vitiated crossflow and an axial stage injected into an optically accessible test section. The crossflow entered the test section at a velocity of 76 m/s and a temperature of 1750 K. The axial jet mixtures were first investigated at lean equivalence ratio conditions with hydrogen fuel mole fractions up to 100% to study hydrogen enrichment at lower reactivity. Separately, axial hydrogen fuel content was increased at a constant flame temperature of about 1770K to better understand the jet behavior at temperature conditions relevant to power generation industry combustors. The jet velocity for these cases is maintained at 120 m/s to investigate an increased momentum flux ratio. High-speed chemiluminescence was utilized to examine the flame behavior of the reacting jets. Additionally, emissions measurements were taken to quantify the increase in NOx emissions that is expected to occur with larger hydrogen fuel contents. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) imaging was taken for select points to obtain information on the flow field dynamics. For the methane air jets, increasing premixing led to reduced flame stability within the test section viewing window at the equivalence ratios tested Increasing jet hydrogen fraction leads to greater stabilization of the leeward jet flame near the axial injector location the tested equivalence ratios, and the stabilization of a windward flame not present in the methane jets at these velocities. Higher levels of NOx emissions were found to occur with increased equivalence ratio and reduced premixing, which are tied to reduced flame liftoff height, and when a scaling factor is applied higher jet hydrogen levels also led to increased emissions.
Completion Date
Committee Chair
Ahmed, Kareem
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Degree Program
Aerospace Engineering
In copyright
Release Date
May 2029
Length of Campus-only Access
5 years
Access Status
Doctoral Dissertation (Campus-only Access)
Campus Location
Orlando (Main) Campus
STARS Citation
Tonarely, Michael, "Hydrogen Enrichment of Methane-Air Mixtures for the Reacting Jet in Crossflow in a High Pressure, Axially Staged Combustor" (2024). Graduate Thesis and Dissertation 2023-2024. 203.
Accessibility Status
Meets minimum standards for ETDs/HUTs
Restricted to the UCF community until May 2029; it will then be open access.
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