
School District Budget, School District Financing, School District Funding


This research study addressed a gap in the literature about the effect of school district funding allocation in Student Support Services, Instructional and Curriculum Development Services, and Instructional Staff Training Services on school district achievement. Using data gathered from the Florida Department of Education, this study examined whether differences existed in the specific school district funding allocations among the varying school district sizes in Florida. Additionally, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between school district grades and specific school district funding allocations. Further, school demographic characteristics such as English Learners and Students with Disabilities were examined as control variables in this study. The analysis was conducted using Annual Financial Reports for each school district from the school year 2015-2016 through 2018-2019, and the total points earned for school district grades, reflected on the School District Report Cards reported by the Florida Department of Education. To complete the analysis, a hierarchical multiple regression was utilized to determine the relationships in four distinct models.

This study revealed no predictiveness of the school district funding allocation variables utilized in this study and total points earned for school district grades. Results from this study may help guide educational leaders in refining budgets to better reflect expenditures with a better return on investment. The findings of this study led to recommendations for future research, such as replicating the methodology for other school district funding allocations.

Completion Date




Committee Chair

Gordon, William


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Community Innovation and Education


Educational Leadership and Higher Education



Release Date


Length of Campus-only Access

5 years

Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Campus-only Access)

Accessibility Status

Meets minimum standards for ETDs/HUTs

Restricted to the UCF community until 8-15-2029; it will then be open access.
