The UCF Faculty Bibliography is a unified bibliography of scholarship authored by University of Central Florida faculty since 1978. The records included here were taken from Web of Science.


Works from 1983

Blackbirds Sexual Selection, J. L. Koevenig

Developmental Compartments In The Drosophila-Melanogaster Wing Disk, David T. Kuhn, Scott C. Fogerty, A. A. C. Eskens, and Th. E. Sprey

Interpret With Caution, M. L. Kysilka and E. Frataccia

Broad-Band Analysis Of Saw 3-Phase Transducers, D. C. Malocha

A Cooperative M. S. Program In Industrial Chemistry, Guy Mattson and John Gupton

Review: Free But Regulated: Conflicting Traditions In Media Law by Brenner, D. l. & Rivers, W. l., M. D. Meeske

Movements And Feeding Ecology Of Immature Green Turtles (Chelonia-Mydas) In A Florida Lagoon, Mary T. Mendonca

Review: The Weimar-Republic and Nazi Germany by Morris, W. B., B. F. Pauley

Effects Of Atmospheric-Turbulence On An Optical Communication-System Using A Receiver With Memory, Ronald L. Phillips and Larry C. Andrews

Spot Size And Divergence For Laguerre Gaussian Beams Of Any Order, Ronald L. Phillips and Larry C. Andrews

Theory And Experiments On The Probability Density Of The Irradiance In Atmospheric-Turbulence, Ronald L. Phillips and Larry C. Andrews

Are There 2 Liberalisms - The Partisan And Demographic Influences On 2 Dimensions Of Political Belief, P. H. Pollock

The Participatory Consequences Of Internal And External Political Efficacy: A Research Note, Philip H. Pollock

The Impact Of A Pse Program On Employment And Participants, Frederick A. Raffa and Clyde A. Haulman

Television: The Newest Moral Educator, J. B. Raffa

Single Crane Location Optimization, Walter E. Rodriguez-Ramos and Richard L. Francis

Occurrence And Effects Of Barnacle Infestations On Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys Terrapin), Richard A. Seigel

Products Of Fuzzy Subgroups, Howard Sherwood

Newspaper Stylistic Codes: A Hindrance To Understanding, Ron F. Smith and Peter Voelz

Dispersal Of The Cotton Rat, Sigmodon-Hispidus, Steven R. Stafford and I. Jack Stout

House Wren Migration Compared With Other Wrens: An Emphasis On Florida, W. K. Taylor, R. L. Crawford, M. Kershner, and S. Gravel

Research On Homosexuality, Walter D. Tropf

Commercial-Banks And Interest-Rate Futures: A Hedging Survey, E. Theodore Veit and Wallace W. Reiff

A Simulation Of United-States Navy Training Pipelines, Roger H. Werner, Gary E. Whitehouse, Darrell G. Linton, and Lucy C. Morse

A Friendly Microprocessor Approach To The Determination Of The Thermodynamic Properties Of Moist Air, H. E. Worbs

Grasp: A Software-Development System Using D-Charts, David A. Workman

Review: The Last Prima Donnas by Rasponi, L., E. Wrancher

The Influence Of Proximal Vs Distal Goals On Adherence To Prescribed Calories, M. Zegman and B. Baker

Works from 1982

A Characterization Of Fuzzy Subgroups, J. M. Anthony and H. Sherwood

1-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethyl)Butyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,4-Triazoline-3,5-Dione - C16H23N3O2, R. J. Baker, J. W. Timberlake, J. T. Alender, R. J. Majeste, and L. M. Trefonas

20S -3-Beta-20-Dihydroxy-12-Aza-C-Homo-5-Beta-Pregn-12-En-11-One, 3,20-Diacetate Ester - C25H37No5, R. J. Baker, L. M. Trefonas, and R. J. Majeste

Iie Micro-Software, G. Balestrero and G. E. Whitehouse

Interactive Analysis of Transportation Networkds: A Minicomputer-Driven Computer-Graphics Approach, C. S. Bauer and G. Holladay

Microcomputer Control of an Industrial Process Model: Lessons Learned and Suggested Approaches, C. S. Bauer and S. Khajenoori

Bandwidth Selection Procedures for Kernel Density Estimates, Steven Bean and Chris p. Tsokos

Synthesis and Properties of Polymeric Schiff-Bases and Their CO(II), CU(II) and NI(II) Complexes, C. Bied-Charreton, M. Frostin-Rio, D. Pujol, A. Gaudemer, R. Audebert, and J. P. Idoux

Attitude-Change: A Function of Emotion-Eliciting Qualities of Environment, Thompson Biggers and Bert Pryor

Foreign Affairs Coverage in Elite and Mass Periodicals, Robert L. Bledsoe, Roger Handberg, William S. Maddox, David R. Lenox, and Dennis A. Long

New Expressions for the PDF and CDF of the Filtered Output of an Analog Cross Correlator, C. S. Brice and Larry C. Andrews

Generalized K-Tuple Colorings of Cycles and Other Graphs, R. C. Brigham and R. D. Dutton

Commercial Use of the SDR, E. R. Canterbery and J. Madura

Parametric Study of the Overall Performance of a Solar Hot Water-System, Kwei K. Chang, Antonio Minardi, and Timothy Clay

A Perspective on Academic Preparation and Industrial Careers in Chemistry, C. A. Clausen

The Estimation of Single Copy Newspaper Sales - A Tertiary Market Demand Model, Robert M. Cosenza and Duane L. Davis

Review: Laurel and Thorn: The Athlete In American Literatureby Higgs, R. J., R. Crepeau

Pearl-Harbor + Social-Role of Game in Japan Between World Wars: A Failure of Baseball, R. C. Crepeau

The Complexity of a Multiprocessor Task Assignment Problem Without Deadlines, Ronald D. Dutton and Robert C. Brigham

Validity of a Primary Screening Device as a Predictor of Subsequent Academic-Achievement, C. D. Dziuban and D. J. Mealor

Physiological-Studies of the Brain: Implications for Science Teaching, William K. Esler

Changes in Wording of Cutlines Fail to Reduce Photographs Offensiveness, Fred Fedler, Tim Counts, and Paul Hightower

How Emphasis on People Affects Coverage of Crime, Fred Fedler and Deane Jordan

Tourism, Vacation Home Development and Residential Tax Burden - A Case-Study of the Local Finances of 240 Vermont Towns, Richard G. Fritz

On the Alkaloids of Strynchos .37. 3-Hydroxydiaboline, a Tertiary Alkaloid from Strynchos-Castelnaeana, C. Galeffi, M. Patamia, M. Nicoletti, I. Messana, and G. B. Marinibettolo

Reaction of Unsymmetrical Enolate Anions with Golds Reagent, John T. Gupton, Steve S. Andrew, and Cesar Colon

Reaction of Unsymmetrical Enolate Anions with Golds Reagent, John T. Gupton, Steve S. Andrew, and Cesar Colon

The Reaction of 2-Arylvinamindinium Perchlorates with Sodium-Borohydride and Sodium Cyanoborohydride, John T. Gupton, Steve S. Andrew, and Michael J. Lizzi

Reaction of Golds Reagent with Activated Methylene Groups Derived from Esters and Nitroarenes, John T. Gupton, Michael J. Lizzi, and Dale Polk

Aromatic Nucleophilic-Substitution - The Reaction of Sodium 2,2,2-Trifluoroethoxide with Chlororobenzonitriles in HMPA, J. T. Gupton, J. P. Idoux, C. Colon, and R. Rampi

Clarification of Large-Change Response Formulas for Linear Digital Networks, S. B. Haley

Efficient Algorithms for Solving Modified Matrix Equations of Linear-Systems, S. B. Haley


Response Functions of The Diffusion-Model of One-Dimensional Disordered-Systems, Stephen B. Haley

Design and Performance of Cryogenic Enclosures for Long Duration Testing of Large Samples, W. O. Hamilton, P. B. Pipes, S. Kleve, T. P. Bernat, D. G. Blair, D. H. Darling, D. Dewitt, M. S. McAshan, R. Taber, S. P. Boughn, W. M. Fairbank, W. P. Montgomery, and W. C. Oelfke


Public Support for the Supreme-Court in the 1970S, Roger Handberg and William S. Maddox

Fiscal Problems of The 80s - An Acquisitions Perspective, Karen A. Hitchcock-Mort

Video Cassette Instruction for the Under-Budgeted School Program, John Giles Hoglin

Structured Programming for Industrial Software, Y. Hosni

Aromatic Nucleophilic-Substitution II. the Reaction of Chlorobenzonitriles and Chloronitrobenzenes with HMPA, John P. Idoux, John T. Gupton, and Cesar Colon

A Simple Method for Specifying the R/S Configuration About a Chiral Center, J. P. Idoux

Power Generation: A General Methodology for Economic-Analysis of Current and Future Alternatives, M. M. Iranmanesh

Review: Islam in the Contemporary World by Pullapilly, C. K., H. Kassim

Computerized Residential A/C Waste Heat-Recovery Analysis, H. Klee

Solar Economics: Short-Term Costing, H. Klee

Magnetic-Properties and Molecular-Structure of Copper(II) Complexes of Pyrazinecarboxylic Acid, Cheryl L. Klein, Richard J. Majeste, Louis M. Trefonas, and Charles J. O' Connor

Magnetic-Properties and Molecular-Structure of Complexes of Substitured Pyrazine Ligands Coordinated to Iron(II) and Copper(II) - Low Dimensional Anti-Ferromagnetic Interactions in Diaquabis(Pyrazinecarboxylato)Iron(II), C. L. Klein, C. J. Oconnor, R. J. Majeste, and L. M. Trefonas

Academic-Libraries in an Inter-Library Loan Network, L. S. Linsley

A Pipeline Analysis of United-States Navy a School Training Using SLAM, D. G. Linton, G. E. Whitehouse, R. H. Werner;, and L. C. Morse

A Comparison of Precipitation Composition at Coastal and Inland Sites in Central Florida, B. C. Madsen

An Evaluation of Sampling Intrerval Length on the Chemical-Composition of Wet-Only Deposition, B. C. Madsen

Sulfur Supply and Demand and Its Relationship to New Energy-Sources, M. C. Manderson and C. D. Cooper

What Should Be Taught In An Industrial Chemistry Course, G. Mattson

Network Television Coverage Of The Iranian Hostage Crisis, Milan D. Meeske and Mohamad Hamid Javaheri

Activity, Population-Size And Structure Of Immature Chelonia-Mydas And Caretta-Caretta In Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, Mary T. Mendonca and Llewellyn M. Ehrhart

Improving Productivity By Modeling And Computer Tuning, S. M. Metwalli

Bryophyte Evolution And Geography, H. A. Miller

Manpower Management Via Microcomputer At Walt-Disney-World-Food-Corporation, M. Miller, S. G. Hackett, and R. D. Doering

Multiple Linear Regression: A Microcomputer Application, D. G. Noller and G. E. Whitehouse

Friendly Approach To Linear-Programming Is Described, D. Noller and G. E. Whitehouse

Causes Of Burnout In Sld Teachers, Judy Olson and Patricia V. Matuskey

The Potential Of The Hybrid Grass Carp As A Weed-Control Agent, John A. Osborne

Austrian National Socialism + Authors Response To Review, B. F. Pauley

Review: Art and Society: The New Art Movement In Vienna 1897-1914 by Shedel, J., B. F. Pauley

Universal Statistical-Model For Irradiance Fluctuations In A Turbulent Medium, Ronald L. Phillips and Larry C. Andrews

Organizations As Agents Of Mobilization - How Does Group Activity Affect Political-Participation, Philip H. Pollock

Review: Financial Reporting By Segments by Miller, M. C. & Scott, M. R., L. J. Savage

Protect Your Small Business From Impending Disaster, C. D. Schou and R. S. Rubin

Extensive Forecasting Analysis: A Microcomputer Software Routine, J. A. Sepulveda, T. Atkins, and J. Sutera

Review: Southern Evangelicals and The Social Order 1800-1860 by Loveland, A. C., J. H. Shofner

Williams,Tennessee And Mielziner,Jo - The Memory Plays, Harry W. Smith

Indeterminate Growth In Males Of The Sailfin Molly, Poecilia-Latipinna, Franklin F. Snelson Jr.

A Comparison Of Maximum-Likelihood And Least-Squares For The Estimation Of A Cumulative Distribution, Paul N. Somerville and S. J. Bean