Podcast Audio File (6.6 MB)
We interviewed Dr. Nancy J. Levine, Associate Professor of English at the University of North Florida. Professor Levine and her class recorded the history of the Hasting Library, a collaborative effort that is chronicled in an article in this issue, titled “Florida Classroom: Tea Sets, Tractors and T-1 Lines: The Survival of a Small Town Library: The Hastings Branch Library, Hastings, Florida.”
Dr. Connie Lester
Dr. Robert Cassanello
Dr. Nancy J. Levine
Date Created
Fall 2009
Hastings Library; Delaney Learning Project; Student Involvement; Community History; Library History; African American; Emerson; Home Demonstration Movement; Community and Library Exploration
Length of Episode
14 minutes
Recommended Citation
N Robert Cassanello. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 03: Fall 2009,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Fall 2009, []
B Cassanello, Robert. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 03: Fall 2009,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Fall 2009, []
Also In This Issue:
Inventing the Conch Republic: The Creation of Key West as an Escape from Modern America
by William C. Barnet
The Florida Fight for Equality: The Equal Rights Amendment, Senator Lori Wilson and Mediated Catfights in the 1970s
by Kimberly Wilmot Voss
A Re-assessment of Seminoles, Africans, and Slavery on the Florida Frontier
by Kevin Kokomoor
Florida Classroom: Tea Sets, Tractors and T-1 Lines: the Survival of a Small Town Library: The Hastings Branch Library, Hastings, Florida
by Nancy J. Levine, George V. Minton, Sandie A. Stratton, Sharon Cleland, and Belinda Delzell