Podcast Audio File (17.9 MB)
We interviewed Dr. Daniel Feller, Professor of History and Editor/Director of The Papers of Andrew Jackson. He gave the 2009 Catherine Prescott Lecture for the Florida Historical Society, which became an article in this issue. It is titled “The Seminole Controversy Revisited: A New Look At Andrew Jackson's 1818 Florida Campaign.”
Dr. Connie Lester
Dr. Robert Cassanello
Dr. Daniel Feller
Date Created
Winter 2010
Andrew Jackson; Seminoles; Andrew Jackson Papers; Jackson's Florida Invasion; Military; Declarations of War; U.S. War history; Jackson Memory; National Bank; Government Denial; President James Monroe; Archival Researching/Editing; Separating yourself from the Souces; Calhoun
Length of Episode
20 minutes
Recommended Citation
N Robert Cassanello. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 04: Winter 2010,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Winter 2010, []
B Cassanello, Robert. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 04: Winter 2010,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Winter 2010, []
Also In This Issue:
2009 Catherine Prescott Lecture, The Seminole Controversy Revisited: A New Look At Andrew Jackson’s 1818 Florida Campaign
Daniel Feller
Wetlands and Wildlife: Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904) in Florida
by Charlotte M. Porter
“Looks Like Acquittal”: Sex, Murder, and the Tampa Morning Tribune, 1895
by J. Thomas Perry
The Jacksonville Mutiny of 1865
by John F. Fannin