Podcast Audio File (17.7 MB)
We interviewed Dr. Derrick E. White, Assistant Professor of History at Florida Atlantic University. He wrote an article that appeared in this issue, titled “From Desegregation to Integration: Race, Football, and "Dixie" at the University of Florida.” It is about Confederate memory and racial integration at Florida universities during the 1960s.
Dr. Connie Lester
Dr. Robert Cassanello
Dr. Derrick E. White
Date Created
Spring 2010
Desegregation; Integration; Race; Education; Extracurricular Life; Oral Histories; University of Miami; Florida Demographics; Old SOuth; Sunbelt; Florida compared to the rest of the South; Sporting; Civil Rights in Sports
Length of Episode
19 minutes
Recommended Citation
N Robert Cassanello. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 05: Spring 2010,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Spring 2010, []
B Cassanello, Robert. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 05: Spring 2010,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Spring 2010, []
Also In This Issue:
When Modern Tourism Was Born: Florida at the World Fairs and on the World Stage in the 1930s
by David Nelson
From Desegregation to Integration: Race, Football, and “Dixie” at the University of Florida
by Derrick E. White
Military Slave Rentals, the Construction of Army Fortifications, and the Navy Yard in Pensacola, Florida, 1824-1863
by Thomas Hulse