Florida Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Group | University of Central Florida
Welcome to the FLETD Group!

Welcome to the FLETD Group!



The vision of the Florida ETD group (FLETD) is to be a leader in the field of electronic theses and dissertations within the state of Florida and to serve as a model for statewide ETD associations throughout the nation.

Our mission is to provide a network of support for ETD professionals in the state of Florida, and to connect them with organizations and resources that enrich the work they do. Through a commitment to advancing open access, FLETD strives to increase ETD submission at institutions throughout the state. FLETD provides a forum for ETD professionals to support one another by offering opportunities for professional development and growth and by facilitating communication and the sharing of best practices. We, the members of FLETD, strive to continually improve the capabilities of our members to serve and enhance their understanding of the field and use of the latest technology.

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The state of Florida was well represented at the USETDA 2014 Conference held in Orlando, Florida from September 24-26. With 28 participants from universities across the state as well as the Florida Virtual Campus, our state definitely made its presence known!