Event Title
Friday Afternoon Project Demo and Media Art Session
Visual Arts Building (VAB)
Start Date
3-11-2017 4:45 PM
End Date
3-11-2017 5:45 PM
Eliza and Andromeda (Anastasia Salter and Deena Larsen), VAB-213B
Southerly Wind: Exploring Chicago Chinese Immigrants' Struggles in the early 1900's (Xi Rao, Jodi Houlihan and Maimuna Venzant), VAB-213B
Welcome to Nikki's Place Mobile Narrative Demonstration (Sara Raffel, Amanda Hill, Bartley Argo and Nicholas Dearmas), VAB-SVAD faculty hallway
Wayfarer's Song (Laura Moeller), VAB-213B
Wall-Mounted Level (Scott Swearingen and Kyoung Swearingen), VAB-108
Strathroy Stories (Tony Vieira), VAB-SVAD Faulty hallway
Bentham's Technological Specters (Julia Madsen and Jayne Butler), VAB-108
eBee: An Electronic Quilt Game (Celia Pearce and Gillian Smith), VAB-108
If These Walls Could Speak (Matthew Mosher), VAB-108
Cyborg Aesthetics (Kris Casey), VAB-108
Non-arrival Flights: A Digital Remapping of Linguistic Borders (Anastasia Kozak and Asmaa Ghonim), VAB-213B
The Radium Girls: A Radically Advancing Tour of Exits Signs (Letícia Ferreira and Xtine Burrough), VAB upper and lower main hallways
Digital Puppetry: KENDRA Crab (Lynn Tomlinson), VAB-108
Fireflies, Typewriters, and Nostalgia: A Conversation between an Artist, a Social Scientist, and Participants (Xtine Burrough and Kristin L. Drogos), VAB-108
Streamings from the Past (Murilo Paiva Homsi and Leticia Ferreira), VAB-104
Sign My Book: A Multimodal System for Mediating Collaborative Semiotic Authorship (Brad Tober), VAB-108
Possible Worlds: Ithaka (Caitlin Fisher and Damon Loren Baker), VAB-108
Psychasthenia 3: Dupes (Victoria Szabo and Joyce Rudinsky), VAB-213B
Witness to the Revolution: Experiencing the Boston Massacre in 3D (Austin Mason and Lydia Symchych), VAB-213B
ELLE, The EndLess LEarner Videogame: Language Acquisition Through Interactive Technology (Georg Anemogiannis, Eric Butt, Tyler Chauhan and Megan Chipman), VAB-108
(Not So) Silent Movie (Hope Hutman, Daxit Agarwal, Matthew Riegel, Harrison Smith and Arnav Jhala), VAB-108
Simulations in Digital Humanities: Online and AR Reading Machines (Craig Saper), VAB-108
Deformant (Dolsy Smith); VAB-213B
Prosthetic Limb Training Game Demo (Matt Dombrowski, Emily Johnson, Peter Smith and Ryan Buyssens), VAB-213B
Go Queer (Maureen Engel), VAB-SVAD Faculty hallway
Friday Afternoon Project Demo and Media Art Session
Visual Arts Building (VAB)
Friday afternoon Post, Project Demo, and Media Art Session