Event Title

Digital Poster Showcase

Presenter Information

HASTAC Presenters



Start Date

4-11-2017 11:15 AM

End Date

4-11-2017 12:15 PM


Hunting for the Tribune Collection (Elisa Landaverde)

Critical Cataloging: Examining LCSH as Text (Mia Tignor)

Central Florida Pulse: The Tragedy of Place and the Power of Perspective (Carys O'Neill and Mia Tignor)

High Penalties: Mapping Drug-Free Zones in North Omaha (Grace Brown)

How you say it Matters!: Building and Supporting an Open Digital Scholarship Community (Verletta Kern and Michelle Urberg)

Our Electrate Pulses: Citizen Curating in Eliminationist Contexts (Christopher Foley and Abigail Padfield)

Displacement and Desplazamiento: Rediscovering the Florida-Cuba Connection in a Digital Landscape (Javier Sampedro and Carol McAuliffe)

Listening to Place: Sound Walks Within Sites of Cultural Heritage (Erin O'Quinn)

Internet Garbage/Violent Games/ Performative Emotions (Nazli Akhtari)

Rhetoric, Agency, and Risk Visualization for Diverse Audiences (Sonia Stephens)

Digital Arts / Social Justice: A Space for Interdisciplinary Dialogue (Camila Afanador-Llach)

Queerty is not the Queer Me: An Interactive Conversation on Queer Minority Representation Online (David Cordero)

Ripples in a Pond: How Virtual Reality may be a Tool of Impact for the Humanities (Maria C. R. Harrington)

Interconnecting culture in the ESL classroom: Using smartphones to develop an intercultural approach to second language learning (J.D. Swerzenski)


Nov 4th, 11:15 AM Nov 4th, 12:15 PM

Digital Poster Showcase


Digital Posters Showcase