High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023
Welcome to the Fall 2023 Amy Zeh High Impact Practices Student Showcase!
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Amy Zeh HIP Showcase Fall 2023 Winners
Judges' Choice
Service Learning Winners (tie)
- Esther F. Francom: Do You Detest Organic Chemistry? Experiences of an Organic Chemistry Learning Assistant
- Alissa Johnson: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Service Learning Leadership Winners
- Rishi Nair and Nicholas Mistry: Combatting Social Isolation in Greater Orlando
Service Learning Leadership Runner-Up
- Divya Joshi: Improving Educational Access, Quality, and Environment in Rural Intabazwe, South Africa
Integrative Learning Experience Winner
- Madeline McNutt, Jordyn Oristano, Nardy Pena, Amelia Green, and Stephanie Leony: Dexmedetomidine VS. Propofol for Use in Intravenous Sedation during Third Molar Extractions
Research-Intensive Winner
Research-Intensive Runner-Up
- Elizabeth L. Barnum: The Opioid Epidemic and Florida's Policies to Address It
Student Government Audience Awards (In-Person Event of November 29th)
Service Learning
- Declan Ridgeway, Madeline Cox, Lauren Mettke, Brittany Shirley, and Morgan Vasser: Inspiring the Next Generation: A Classroom Visit Exploring Marine Ecosystem Invaders
- Ava Scemama, Anna Zhao and Daniel Roque: The Potential Therapeutic Concentration of Taxol on N2A cells when studying Axon Regeneration
Brain Fitness Academy: Making Impacts
Ella Shams, Susan Kampiyill, and Estefania Zamarripa
Throughout the Fall, 2023 semester, we volunteered at Brain Fitness Academy (BFA). In doing so, we set out on a project to bring more creative arts into the classroom, as countless studies have shown that creative arts greatly help individuals with memory loss. During our time at Brain Fitness, we incorporated arts using a painting lesson in which members’ moods greatly improved, members were engaged, and happy to be doing the activity. We explored how creative arts can truly help those with memory loss, in particular painting. In the end, we found that creative arts and dementia have a strong relation, in which individuals who participate in creative arts will have a better overall mood and quality of life.
Excess Body Weight and It’s Association to Diabetes Mortality Among Florida Adults
Shivanie M. Sharma
“Excess Body Weight and Its Association to Diabetes Mortality” is a topic that has been highly studied and researched. However, there has yet been a study that looks at excess body weight and its association to Diabetes Mortality among Florida Adults. Specifically, by utilizing data from the Florida Health Charts. This includes the analyzation by Person (Florida Blacks versus Whites), Place (Florida counties), and Time (rate of diabetes mortality though the years in Florida). This study further provides information on the idea of the “obesity paradox.” But, it also sheds light on the implications and limitations based on previous epidemiological analytical studies.
Sensational (Sea) Star Students
Rachael Slayton and Victoria Boesch
We visited Ms. Mary Lynn Hess’ 3rd grade classroom at Goldsboro Elementary Magnet School to educate students about sea star biology and conservation. We played games with students such as: pin-the-arm on the sea star in which students wrote their favorite fact about sea stars and pinned it to a star, a Pokémon survival game, and a take home make-your-own sea star clay kit. A factual poem was sent home to reinforce knowledge gained and to share with their families.
Through our experience teaching third grade students, we improved our science communication skills, time management skills, and teamwork skills.
We hope you enjoy our project.
Volunteering at an Elementary School
Kaila R. Sobol
For this service learning project, I chose to volunteer at Timbercrest Elementary School, my community partner, in Deltona, Florida. Before selecting my service project, I did research regarding parts of my community that needed volunteers to help out. I discovered an article by SF Ed Fund named "5 Reasons to Volunteer in a School" which focused on how "underfunded and understaffed" public schools are. I volunteered approximately eight hours a week at Timbercrest, moving between different classrooms and helping out multiple teachers. While volunteering there, I administered and graded tests, inputed grades, worked with students in small groups, and lead whole group activities.
Educating the next generation with Science Alive
Logan M. Sonne and Alexander Lavin
This presentation recounts the experiences of Logan Sonne and Alexander Lavin as they work together with the organization Science Alive to educate the next generation about important scientific topics. Myself and Alex worked diligently to prepare a presentation for an elementary school we would be visiting, in order to teach a fourth-grade class about how hydroponics works and its importance to our future.
A Comprehensive Approach to Supporting Homeless Communities through Free Clinical Screenings
Nivedha Srinivasan, Ria Gupta, and Manasi Prakash
Hearts for the Homeless Orlando is a part of an international organization that is “focused on eliminating health disparities through practicing preventative healthcare and providing free healthcare services.” At each event, free heart health and eye health screenings and education are given to the homeless population in Downtown Orlando. Once arriving at the screening location (Christian Service Center), a table is set up with 2 blood pressure monitors, the KardiaMobile EKG Monitor, hand sanitizing wipes, germicidal wipes, gloves, and pamphlet handouts. These supplies help volunteers understand the health conditions of the individuals who visit to the site, and allow volunteers to recommend them to nearby free health clinics to further check up on them. H4H has worked with the Mothers and Children’s Health Association to host donation drives, as well as with Service and Love Together to provide mobile showering for the homeless population.
Applying Social Identity Theory to Examine National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Peyton Tongate
The purpose of this theoretical paper and project was to apply social identity theory (SIT) to examine National Disability Awareness Month (NDEAM). The communication discipline has much to offer to the improvement of advocacy efforts and inclusion for disabled individuals. By applying SIT to a transformative campaign from the disability field, it is understood that successful campaigns depend upon group membership, clearly defining the audience, and maintaining a willingness to adapt the campaign over time.
Key concepts of SIT such as group membership and identification were applicable and provided an understanding as to how NDEAM developed throughout history. It was revealed that SIT is an effective theory from the communication discipline that should be utilized in future campaign creations. More specifically, SIT concepts are useful in understanding how able-bodied individuals can assist in advocacy efforts to fight for equal rights for disabled individuals.
The Social Impact of Reliable Digital Media
Scott E. Tschetschot Jr
I spent my time this semester volunteering for Project Gutenberg through their Distributed Proofreaders program. This project consists of a reflection on my service with them, alongside what exactly makes their organization so impactful. My main activity consisted of proofreading a variety of texts for their online library, alongside taking tests and previewing other's work to ensure accuracy in their media. While interacting with their community, I learned what made their organization so important, the roots of their goals and overall purpose, and how exactly to be an efficient proofreader for them. While individual impact is small in a large-scale organization like this forged by decades of hard work, I played my part in helping them make a difference.
Optimization of a Gel Electrophoresis Protocol to Enhance Results
Sebastian Velez
This experiment focused on an optimization protocol using DNA that students use in the laboratory component of the QBM teaching lab. Different agarose gel concentrations were tested, and 0.6% was found to create the best resolution and visibility for the given DNA. The experiment also helped me in becoming a better scientist as it taught me how to organize and structure myself in a research project, as well as how to be efficient with my time while producing good results.
Giving experiences back to your community
Elionel J. Vertus
The purpose of my project is to show how much people can be impacted and the importance of the next generation. This project shows how much that people can learn from each other and give fun impactful experiences to those who doesn't have the same benefits you or others do.
Be The Match
Aneesa K. Williams and Shea Reed
Our objective was to earn a deeper understanding for what it means to be part of an organization as wide as Be The Match, and the way they incorporate their mission throughout their community. We attended multiple community service events and were able to see how the volunteers work to get individuals to join the bone marrow registry. Be The Match is a non-profit organization that specializes in connecting cancer patients with individuals who have donated bone marrow. Lives of all walks of life have been saved, it was beautiful to be part of such a special and unique experience of volunteerism.
Caring 4 the Kids of CHS
Courtney Williams
The purpose of my project is to spread awareness, knowledge, and spread the excitement I had from doing this. The biggest takeaway from this experience is that it is very easy to help someone. It doesn't take much all of my supplies was from the dollar store. I was more excited about the kids seeing my creative skills than anything. I also want to normalize the fact that people struggle and its a human thing. Sometimes we need help and it is very much okay to give without expecting something back in return.