High Impact Practices Student Showcase Spring 2024
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Dr. Dana-Marie Dennis
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Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
This presentation is to display our experience as a ULA in a specialized chemistry course within the forensic science program, Trace Evidence. This course is an upper-level chemistry course that requires a strong foundation in organic and analytical chemistry and is required for all tracks in the forensic science undergraduate program. Trace Evidence also utilizes team-based learning and a flipped modality. We were tasked with helping students during active learning activities regarding the current content by using guiding questions. We learned the best way to help students was to ask open-ended questions, enhance their motivation, and understand their frustrations or misconceptions, which often stem from concepts from prerequisite courses. Trace Evidence covers imperative concepts and forensic analyses, such as glass, fibers, and paints, that are currently used in forensic crime laboratories today. Students that wish to pursue careers in forensic science will ultimately become experts in their field, and to understand those concepts is paramount for their future in forensics.
forensic science; trace evidence; undergraduate learning assistant; ULA; teaching assistant; upper-level course
Recommended Citation
Hong, Jiyeong; Garcia, Laura Hilario; and Bass, Brooke, "ULA Reflections within Specialized Chemistry — Trace Evidence, A Forensic Science Course" (2024). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Spring 2024. 1.