High Impact Practices Student Showcase Spring 2024
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Pamela Baker
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Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
This research focuses on how skills from introductory English courses are used for research writing in psychology. It explores why introductory English classes are important for psychology majors, what writing skills are used in research writing, and how well psychology students with high school English credits are prepared for research writing their freshman year. Previous research showed that skills from intro English courses need to be retained and built upon. Previous research also showed that psychology students need to have a variety of writing skills by the time they graduate. This research addresses how psychology students who did not take introductory English courses in college may lack education about research writing.
Additional Resources
“Curriculum, Outcomes, and Principles - Writing and Rhetoric.” Writing and Rhetoric, 25 Jan. 2020, cah.ucf.edu/writingrhetoric/first-year-writing/curriculum-and-principles.
Gold, David, et al. “Who’s Afraid of Facebook? A Survey of Students’ Online Writing Practices.” College composition and communication 72.1 (2020): 4–30.
Kortenkamp, Katherine V., et al. “Writing Across the Curriculum: A Longitudinal Assessment of Psychology Majors’ Writing Development.” Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, Dec. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1037/stl0000390.
Sommers, Nancy, and Laura Saltz. “The Novice as Expert: Writing the Freshman Year.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 56, no. 1, 2004, pp. 124–49. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/4140684.
Soysa, Champika K., et al. “Orchestrating Authorship.” Teaching of Psychology, vol. 40, no. 2, Feb. 2013, pp. 88–97. https://doi.org/10.1177/0098628312475027.
Taczak, Kara. "The Importance of Transfer in Your First Year Writing Course." Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, vol. 4, Parlor Press, 2023, p. 301-315
psychology, writing, introductory English, writing skills, research writing
Recommended Citation
Hubbard, Anna A., "Essays to Empirical Studies: Transferring Introductory Writing Skills to Psychological Research" (2024). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Spring 2024. 35.